March 8, 2021 Update- Spring Turkey Hunting & Fishing COVID-19 Restrictions

The following is a current update of currently impacted state hunting and fishing seasons as the current reality… I will continue to update this when states ease and or rescind restrictions entirely. Instead of season shutdowns as in 2020, states that have 10 to 14-day quarantines may also opt out with 72 hour testing to forgo the quarantine which modifies our plans at the least, or ends the possibilities of taking the trip in the worst scenario. In general most of the restrictions will affect all travel without regard to purpose. Canada is currently shut down for all recreational activities for non-residents.

Please review your home state for return restrictions as you would for your next hunting or fishing destination as 21 of the 50 states are currently subjected to restrictions. Those planning to hunt tribal lands, or military bases check directly with their respective websites for latest status.

Alaskaupdate 3/8 non-resident travelers to Alaska are no longer required to provide a negative COVID-19 PCR test result in order to gain entry but are strongly encouraged to do so. As of March 5, Alaska’s Safe Travels website did not reflect the policy change.

-2nd test, taken five to14 days after arrival in Alaska, is strongly recommended, but not required.

-All non-resident travelers must still complete a Travel Declaration Form and a Self-Isolation Plan

-Asymptomatic travelers contracted / recovered from COVID-19 can forego testing by providing proof of a previously positive result of a PCR test taken within 90 days of travel.

California: Regional stay-at-home orders issued in January have been lifted. restrictions exist in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Santa Clara County- travelers arriving from over 150 miles away must quarantine for 10 days. In most counties, hotels can welcome travelers and restaurants can serve outdoors. Los Angeles, all travelers over the age of 16 who are entering from another state or country must submit this online form Form must be filled in when arriving into an airport or Union station.

Connecticut: update 3/8 A policy update is set to take effect on March 19, transitioning Connecticut’s mandatory travel restrictions to recommended guidance, Currently in force: Travelers  must quarantine for 10 days except from New Jersey, New York or Rhode Island. All must submit online health form  $500 fine for non-compliance. Second option: Covid-19 test taken in the past 72 hours or to take a test upon arrival and quarantine until the results come through.

District of Columbia: visiting from high risk states for more than 24 hours must show a negative Covid-19 test no more than 72 hours prior. If longer than a three day stay, another test must be done three to five days after arrival. High-risk states are categorized as those having more than 10 daily Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. An interactive map complied by The New York Times shows which districts and regions meet this threshold. Travelers from Maryland and Virginia are exempt.

Hawaii: 10-day quarantine unless a negative nucleic acid amplification test results (NAAT)–taken at an approved site–in hand upon arrival or uploaded – health form online. A QR code rquired to be given to airport screeners upon arrival. At least 25% of arriving passengers will be randomly selected for a free, second, rapid Covid-19 test at the airport. Travelers must stay for results to come through before they leave.

Kauai County,  must go into quarantine for 10 days unless heading into a “resort bubble”; those staying at specific hotels can arrive with a negative PCR test, head directly to their resort upon arrival, tested onsite, two to three days later. They will remain in quarantine during their stay.

Illinois: no statewide quarantine orders. Chicago has a  10 day quarantine mandate or COVID test within 72 hours of traveling for Non-residents, arrivals into Chicago are categorized into two groups, orange and yellow, based on the infection rates in the home states.

Kansas: mandatory 10 day quarantine is needed for anyone who has:

  • taken a sea/river cruise since 3/25/2020
  • attended out-of-state mass gathering >500 people (masks not worn and unable to keep further than 6 feet apart).

One can ‘test out’ of a 10-day quarantine on day 6 of quarantine and released on day 8 with a negative result (instead of day 11).

Kentucky: 14-day quarantine is recommended for visitors and returning residents.

Maine: 10-day quarantine or negative Covid-19 test in the past 72 hours. Arrivals w/ pending tests must isolate until results obtained. All types of Covid-19 tests accepted. Arrivals must sign a Certificate of Compliance.

Maryland: quarantine for 10 days or negative Covid-19 test taken up to 72 hours before arrival. Visitors advised to re-test 72 hours later. Travelers arriving from Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C. are exempt. Those failing to conform will face a $5,000 fine or a year in prison.

Massachusetts: update 3/8 arrivals must fill in a travel form. Arrivals from high-risk states- quarantine for 10 days or produce a negative Covid-19 test taken within the last 72 hours. The fine for non-compliance is $500 per day. Hawaii, Missouri, Oregon, Washington and Puerto Rico currently listed low-risk states.

Minnesota14 day quarantine upon entry (or re-entry), out-of-state travel is discouraged.

New Hampshire:  If arriving from other than a New England state (Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island), travelers are asked to quarantine for 10 days. After seven days, travelers can ‘test out’ with a negative PCR test. Exemption for anyone who has had the second Covid-19 vaccine more than 14 days prior to travel–no need to get tested or quarantine. Those who had Covid-19 more than 90 days prior to travel and are recovered (and have proof) are also exempt.

New Jersey: currently advising against all non-essential interstate travel. Visitors and returning travelers must quarantine for 10 days if not tested. Those with a negative test are asked to isolate for 7 days. Travel from New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Delaware is exempt. All other travelers must complete an online survey.

New Mexico: quarantine for 14 days or the entire length of stay.

New York: update 3/8 fully-vaccinated travelers who received the final dose of their vaccine within the preceding 90 days are exempt from quarantine and testing rules

Those arriving from a non-bordering state (New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Delaware) are exempted. 14-day quarantine, visitors can ‘test out’ to a 3 day quarantine with a negative test taken 72 hours before arrival. Travelers with negative results from second test taken on day four may leave quarantine.

All visitors must fill out a Traveler Health Form, non compliance with regulations, face a fine of up to $10,000 Those who leave New York for less than 24 hours do not need to get a test before returning, nor do they need to quarantine. They must get a Covid-19 test on the fourth day back.

Ohio: restricting travel from states with a 15% positive testing rate, requires self-quarantine for 14 days; this currently includes–Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Texas.

Oregon:  14-day quarantine Non-essential travel and tourism is ill-advised.

Pennsylvania: update 3/8  Travelers no longer required to quarantine for 10 days or supply negative test results for entry.

Rhode Island: 14 day quarantine if arriving from states with a >5% positive testing rate. Exemption for negative Covid-19 test taken in the last 72 hours. Exception doesn’t apply to international travelers. Travelers must complete a certificate of compliance and a travel screening form. Travelers may take a test upon arrival and quarantine until negative Covid-19 test result is obtained.

update 3/8 The updated spreadsheet currently lists Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

No exemption for those having Covid-19 vaccination. Those that have had Covid-19 in the past 90 days and completed isolation periods, are exempted.

Vermont: 14 day quarantine Visitors can end the quarantine after 7 days with proof of a negative Covid-19 test. Those arriving by car or plane (as well as rental cars) can complete quarantine and testing in another state before arriving. Those staying in short-term rental or lodging and campsites must submit a certificate of compliance or an online compliance statement when they check-in.

States that currently have no travel restrictions: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado (Pitkin County requires a negative PCR test within 72 hours of arrival), Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana (although visitors to the seven Indian reservations should check), Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota (some roads through Native American reservations are closed), Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Washington State:  14-day quarantine

Canada–  US Border currently closed to all non-essential travel

© 2021

Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

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