Long Island Delivers a New Top Wild Turkey Record

With the inaugural fully open spring season this past May in Suffolk County, it was predicted by many of us in the turkey hunting community that gobblers tagged in Suffolk County would likely rachet the record books upward. It has not only moved the high water mark upward but delivered a new #1 Typical Score on May 10th. This follows another gobbler in the top five from this season-
A fall season had been in place in Suffolk since 2009, along with a spring youth hunt that began in 2011. After much deliberation and observations of plentiful and healthy flocks on Long Island, the go-ahead for an open spring season hunt was green-lighted this past May. With hunting fall gobblers a more difficult endeavor in the fall season, having an open season in the spring was expected to yield even more impressive gobblers. It is a shift of preferences from fall to spring from over a century ago when fall season was the traditional season.
Christopher Tellone, a resident of Long Island, took his first ever wild turkey gobbler this spring and without question, a wild turkey gobbler of a lifetime. It may be his first turkey, but Christopher is no spring chicken in the woods or new to hunting. As a lifelong deer hunter, he employed many of his woodsmanship skills to help him bag the new top typical score gobbler in the Empire State. Chris, now known to his friends as “Long Spur,” tells the story of getting onto a flock of birds that morning with several gobblers courting hens. Although he is new to calling turkeys, he knew that the hens were not swayed by his calling and the gobblers were not leaving the hens they courted. After giving it ample time for the flock to come his way, he backed out to head to his truck. He spotted the flock several hundred yards in a field. Surmising where they would end up, he patiently made his way to position himself to where they would eventually cross. As the hens left the gobblers an hour later to head back to the woods, they crossed in front, and the gobblers would follow. Choosing the largest gobbler that lead the bachelor group, Chris made good on his shot.

Chris’s bird scoring 84.0000 NWTF-Score surpasses the previous record held for 24 years for the number one typical category taken by Robert Miller Jr. in 1999, with an 82.1600 NWTF-Score. The gobbler was weighed on a certified commercial scale and properly measured in accordance with NWTF guidelines. The gobbler weighed in at 28lbs, sporting 1.75” spurs on each leg, and swung a 10.5” beard.
The gobbler, currently recorded by the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation,) also shows the bird to rank #3 in the state for spurs, and #4 for weight.
Using the SBP method of scoring, the gobbler scores 182.0000 taking over the #2 ranking in New York.
NWTF Typical calculation = (weight x1) + (spurs total x10) + (beard x2)
SBP Typical calculation = (weight x1) + (spurs total x32) + (beard x4)
Congratulations on an impressive first gobbler and a new record!
© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
Pending #4 Typical Record NY Gobbler

After a recent query on social media several days ago, a pending new record book gobbler has been identified and it’s been suggested by many, including myself that with the inaugural spring season on Long Island this past May, that record book gobblers would likely come from there. The gobbler was hunted by Butch Janke from Long Island, in Suffolk County on public grounds on May 6th.

Butch’s gobbler weighed in at 26lbs even, on a state-certified scale, sporting 1-11/16” and 1-1/2” spurs, and a 10-3/8” beard, making the gobbler a record book entry for the typical category. The bird preliminary scores are as follows:
NWTF Typical 81.2500 (weight x1) + (spurs total x10) + (beard x2)
SBP Typical 177.7500 (weight x1) + (spurs total x32) + (beard x4)
Butch’s gobbler will be entered into the NWTF records once witnesses confirm. Two member witnesses are required as weight is over 22 lbs, and spurs are longer than 1-1/2″.
Preliminary stats, once finalized, the gobbler will be the fourth highest-scoring typical gobbler in New York State. Spurs will also tie with ten others recorded in the third-longest spur length in the empire state. Additionally, the gobbler ranks fifth in the SBP system calculation.

For others looking to record their gobbler, it is a good opportunity to point out that he used a certified weight scale, and took plenty of pictures in keeping with NWTF guidelines and those republished and supported by, Joyner Outdoor Media, and the Empire State Limb Hangers book project. Butch has agreed to participate in the book project, and I look forward to the interview and learning his story of the hunt firsthand.
© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
2021 NY Wild Turkey Records

The Empire State Limb Hangers book project has been a long time coming and is still an ongoing/active project. I have done what I can to gain interviews. Should you desire to be included I am more than happy to do so. Any new record entries would be invited to jump in. It’s that time of year here in New York as the season concludes. If you tag a gobbler that meets the criteria listed below near the end of this posting, I would love to interview you for inclusion in the project. Although your stories and photos will be captured for the book, you will retain rights to your photo’s and your story. Should you wish to have the story I write up used for other uses. Copyright permissions can be granted as needed.
The main issue with keeping it all legit for the project is typically weight as most of the small scales that are used to weigh fish can vary +/- 1 to 2 lbs or more. A weight coupon from a certified scale ensures accuracy and proof of measurement. Otherwise, it can be legitimately challenged. The scale should be suitable for products or goods for sale that are taxed in the state.
Pics with tape measurement in the pics are best to show scale for beards and spurs. There are several handy products to help measure spurs (including the curved outside edge) but as of this writing, none cover the spur measurements that have been described going back decades as published by the NWTF
Anecdotal evidence unfortunately cannot be used to substantiate record book entries no matter how good the stories are. Best bet if you think you have one for the books: weigh the gobbler on a certified scale and be sure to get a weight coupon. Take plenty of photos. NWTF requires witness signatures that also have to be an NWTF member if you wish to participate in their records program. Safari Club also has a program but is not viewable unless a member. I may include them if details can be worked out in the future. I am accepting record entries not included in the NWTF system. You will note that the NWTF requires verifications that I have mentioned and will accept their determinations for the project. I do support their system and would encourage you to enter your submission with the NWTF as well. NWTF submissions are now accepted online:
Scoring tabulations for the project will include the NWTF system, and the SBP weighted system. for more info on SBP
The book project has been on hiatus for a long period. Some things are getting normalized and now getting back to original efforts. For those that I have contacted or attempted to contact at the beginning of the project: Your stories will be available to review as I complete them.
If you haven’t been interviewed and would like to be included, please contact me, I would love to include as many as possible that met the original score criteria.
There will be future editions as records are broken and those I attempted to include, catch up with the project. The more hunters that come on board that I originally sought to interview, the better. Records are made to be broken, eclipsed, and is expected.
If you have harvested a legally tagged wild turkey with one or more of the following attributes in NY during the 2020-2021 spring/fall seasons, or years prior, registered or not registered w/NWTF records, We would love to talk to you about being included in the book!
Please contact
Note: Non registered birds- measurable attributes must be verified for consideration.
Typical score greater than 75.000 (weight x1 + beard x 2 + L & R spur x 10)
Non-Typical score greater than 105.000 (weight x1 + beard(s) x 2 + L & R spur x 10)
Weight greater than 26.5 lbs. (verifiable certified weight)
Beard Length greater than 12″ (verifiable length)
Spur Length greater than 1.625″ (verifiable length)
Color phase variations, Hens with spurs
© 2021 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
. #turkeyhunting #nywildturkeyrecords #wildturkey #nyturkeyrecords #recordbookgobblers
Identify Your Political Affiliation As A Turkey Hunter

- It’s the middle of the second week of the spring season in Upstate NY.
- You are hunting state land and hear six, possibly eight different gobblers early morning. After several volleys of nonstop gobbling, you determine they all are very close to each other. You make your moves to close the distance.
- Each call you make is drowned out by thunderous gobbles. As you close the distance you find they are just a hundred yards away on private land.
- With a grove of pine trees in front of you, you close to within fifty yards undetected. You also know the land drops down to the valley not much further out beyond the pines. You make the softest purr you can muster, eight strutting long beards gobble so hard your pants wave.
- In all the excitement you just now notice (except the dufus republican, and the conservative too focused on gobbling) to the far left of your setup there’s a 50-gallon drum painted in camo hung up against a big maple tree limb with a feeder motor. There is corn everywhere, there is also a 5′ high fenced enclosure just beyond the pines that leads to the farm below
- Eight strutting long beards appear. They drop strut into a dead run towards the feeder.
Anarchist- You have in your hands, the fastest cycling semi auto 12 gauge ever made. You fire two custom made (on the black market) fragmentation rounds. All eight gobblers are flattened at the blast. You avoid the police, the conservation officers which are called as the blast is heard throughout the valley. You have a backup plan to kill them all, should events not go as planned. They’ll never take you alive. No tags are used or reported.
Democrat- Hunting? Firearms? It should be banned, after taxing it to death for twenty years. You back out, hatch a plan with the DNC, US AG, and the FBI. You pay for a full jacked up documentation package. Next day you sneak back using a silencer and poach them all as they show up at the first cluck. You destroy all evidence and lay out a two-year investigation blaming Trump Jr. as a hedonist animal killer. Despite the elaborate efforts you still lose out on 1st place at the local spring turkey contest scoring and weigh in.
Republican– Landowner at work? You shoot two, sneak back over to state land, report your tags. Post like mad on Facebook. You then spend the next two years defending Trump Jr. You take 1st for beard, spurs, and weight. Rumors take on appearances as facts. You pick up your trophies leaving in a hurry and go on the fishing trip you just won…
Libertarian- Do not give it a second thought, shoot two gobblers, get out. Nobody’s business, tags are not reported
Conservative- You see the posted signs, you swear a bit, back up, set up and proceed to call in a gobbler from your right flank, and shoot. The birds out in front would not budge, not even to your $200 box call. They gobbled nonstop while you walked back to the truck. You tag and report. You go back a few days later hoping to call one off the property or until all the ruckus stirs one up from further down the ridge like before. Not a clue about the feeder until you hear it go off at 7AM. A pile of jakes show up at the feeder on cue. Mad as hell about the feeder, you leave. As you walk out in the daylight you notice the scattering of blood and feathers around the feeder. You get out of there and never look back. You have no clue about the enclosure until somebody at the diner accuses you of shooting a farm bird. You didn’t but now you are mad as hell, and damn sure it’s a liberal democrat that set you up. You decide to lay low, not enter the contest…
Green Party- all hunters should be arrested for felony crimes against humanity. except you of course…
It is expected that turkey hunters have a sense of humor given the daily doses of humility in any given season. Little bit of eye poking at at our crazy politics.
© 2019 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
A Grand Spring Turkey Season

With the final days of 2018 Spring Turkey season winding down, my season in NY in a quest to fill a tag concluded on the 18th. NY was a sleeper for me this year as my usual hot spots did not reveal gobbling toms at any of them. I had little hopes for prospects from all the scouting I did. With what scouting data I had, I decided not to hunt our place for the first time since we bought it in 2000. One bird gobbling on our place a week before season was as good as it got. There were years were 12-15 long beards would roost our property along with that many more jakes. Just as we deer hunt our place we would only fill a tag or two a season. It has steadily declined from a number of poor brooding seasons in succession. This spring looks to be favorable for a successful first nesting and hope we can string together a few more in a row in the coming years.
Both birds in NY were tagged on public game lands and excellent hunts. Great start in Texas and managed a double on three year old gobblers despite a massive cold front that shut things down. The season progressed to an eventful but no birds harvested the first full week in NY. Next stop was in Jackson, Ohio and had three days of hunting with David Christian. A dandy of a gobbler was taken on the last day. Super fun hunt and had a ball chasing birds there. Upon returning home, some very fun hunts in NY with a great bird tagged on mother’s day, and the second bird at the NYSOWA Safari in Oswego. Very different in NY for me this year as I parted ways with a longtime hunting partner and hunted all together differently than in past years. Far more patient style and it paid off handsomely as allowing the hunts to unfold rather than rush on to the next spot resulted in a far better outcome.
Last trip of the season was to Pittsfield, Maine with Dan Daman and we had a great time as we always do. Really enjoy returning there often. Great hunts that also took their time unfolding before us. Tagged out in one day with one bagged mid-morning and the second just about dinner time. The lay down breeding decoy did take some extreme sexual abuse, and have pics to prove it. Avian X decoys make one hell of a noise when the gobbler puts his back into it. Went out the second morning in the quest to get Dan’s wife Carrie a bird and we had a big show of gobbling first thing. Close, no cigar. We moved on and found a flock of big jakes that ended up minus one when all said and done.
My bride of nearly 18 years was not able to get out this season as she is convalescing from surgery in late April. Opening day couples date has been the norm for all these years. This fall we’ll get back out to hunt together on opening days as the seasons roll in, and as we have for so many years.
With the remaining days I have a few fellow hunters to put in front of a gobbler for their first ever birds. With a little luck and proper timing, hope to make it happen the final days before the fat lady sings Thursday at noon.
I wish all of you out in the last days of the season grand success and memorable hunts. It has been the best season for me for so many reasons, from great action packed days afield to peaceful times in the great turkey woods.
© 2018 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
#turkeyhunting #oldturkeyhunter #wildturkey #turkeywoods #respect
2018 NY Wild Turkey Records
It’s that time of year here in New York, If you tag a gobbler that meets the criteria listed below, we would love to interview you for inclusion into the project. It has been a long time coming and in the works and still ongoing / active project.
The main issues with keeping it all legit is typically weight as most of the small scales are typically used to weigh fish can very +/- 1 to 2 lbs or more. A weight coupon from a certified scale ensures accuracy and proof of measurement. Otherwise it can be legitimately challenged. Needs to be suitable for produce or goods for sale.
Pics with tape measurement in the pics are best to show scale for beards and spurs. Anecdotal evidence unfortunately cannot be used to substantiate record book entries no matter how good the stories are. Best bet if you think you have one for the books, get a weight coupon, and take plenty of photos. NWTF requires witness signatures that also have to be a NWTF member if you wish to participate in their records program. Safari Club also has a program but is not viewable unless a member. I may include them if details can be worked out.
The book project has been on hiatus for a long period while I started a tech company. some things are getting normalized and now getting back to original efforts.
For those that I have contacted or attempted to contact at the beginning of the project: Your stories will be available to review as I complete them.
If you haven’t been interviewed and would like to be included, please contact me, I would love to include as many as possible that met the original score criteria. I am cutting off interviews this fall as it needs to get on a schedule for completion
The placings have shifted some, as the D.D. Adams biography will come out first, possible end of summer 2018, more news to come by the first week in July as to release date.
I am working toward a Fall winter 2018 book release. There will be future editions as records are broken and those I attempted to include, catch up with the project. The more hunters that come on board that I originally sought to interview, the better. Records are made to be broken and eclipsed and is expected.
If you have harvested a legally tagged wild turkey with one or more of the following attributes in NY during the 2017-2018 spring/fall seasons, or years prior, registered or not registered w/NWTF records, We would love to talk to you about being included in the book!
Please contact
Note: Non registered birds- measurable attributes must be verified for consideration.
Typical score greater than 75.000 (weight x1 + beard x 2 + L & R spur x 10)
Non-Typical score greater than 105.000 (weight x1 + beard(s) x 2 + L & R spur x 10)
Weight greater than 26.5 lbs. (verifiable certified weight)
Beard Length greater than 12″ (verifiable length)
Spur Length greater than 1.625″ (verifiable length)
Color phase variations, Hens with spurs
© 2018 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
. #turkeyhunting #nywildturkeyrecords #wildturkey #nyturkeyrecords #recordbookgobblers
Trespass In NY- Turkey Hunter? Deer Hunter? Fisherman?

For those of you that are not familiar with the great Empire State, it is a very short drive from one of the largest cities in the world, even shorter drive from the lesser known cities to find yourself amongst the great farmlands, forests, mountains and fisheries of New York where I call home. Despite bizarre politics, stifling regulations, punitive taxation (#1, highest in the Nation) that has driven out industry and the prosperity that goes with it, it is one of the most resource diverse states when you come to appreciate the four million-plus acres of public lands, nearly another million more acres under conservation easements, the raw natural beauty, and recreational opportunities we have here. I reside with my bride in one of the seven valleys of Cortland County which I am more than fond of. The topic at hand actually applies across our great nation and not solely unique to New York. As I truly love what I have here as my little piece of paradise, I’ll refer to my beloved state as my frame of reference.
With such highly coveted resources, much of which is available to everyone as public lands and public waterways, the subject of trespass, destruction of property, theft and other criminal behavior appears to be more common even in the off seasons, despite numerous large tracts of state and federal lands for all to share. My comments are aimed specifically towards sportsmen and sportswomen. Criminals, common thieves, polluters are not likely to be moved or swayed by any opinions you, or I may have or convey. As a landowner and as a member on a hunting lease from time to time I have that set of perspectives. I also hunt and fish on a mix of state game lands, waterways, and a fair amount of private holdings that have granted me the right to spend time on and enjoy. I’ll break down my thoughts in lists for each viewpoint.
As a hunter:
- Do we show ourselves as being fortunate and privileged to be granted access to private lands that another pay taxes on, farms, maintain for their business or homestead, manages for wildlife? Do we show respect for them and their property? Do we fundamentally understand that landowner rights take priority over any right or desire we may feel to hunt or fish?
- On lands that are commonly known for open access do we make it a point to learn of the owner’s name as a courtesy to thank them or to learn of any concerns they may have? It helps to avoid future problems. Do we take for granted these lands and treat them as a free for all, our personal playgrounds?
- On state lands do we treat it as if we own it? In a roundabout reasoning we do via the income taxes that are paid. Being respectful, having regard for our resources should not be a conditional thought or action.
- Challenging a landowner or another hunter, in general, is not the smartest idea, nor a step in improving hunter/landowner relations. The exception is the arrogant slob hunter who is not authorized to patrol a property or trespassing themselves and falsely claiming a spot. Too many stories of others trying to throw people off that have permission including landowners off their own property.
- Items we may come across while hunting without regard to who owns the land, do we leave undisturbed, unmolested unless clearly lost (such as a jacket, wallet, personal camera, game call). Stealing or destroying treestands, game cameras, blinds, traps, etc. is a despicable, lowly act to inflict on a fellow hunter. Even when we find such items on our own places that are not supposed to be there, do we attempt to find out whom they belong to first and get the word out? If that fails to produce a result in instances I have come across, I bring it back to the house and attempt to find the owner while notifying the county Sheriff’s/ NYSDEC ECO, and they can retrieve their items after an intimate chat with law enforcement. Charges may apply if egregious, or not your first time trespassing. In principle do we take another’s property while not knowing fully the circumstances.?
- While being respectful of the lands hunted, it is good practice to extend that to fellow hunters. Having someone purposely interfering with your time in the woods is greatly unappreciated. A common occurrence with the mentality of having to get your gobbler or buck before the other hunter does. As sportsmen, sportswomen we are better than that.
- Access to hunting properties has dropped while the behavior of some fellow hunters deters hunter recruitment or makes the hunting experience on state lands or private lands less desirable for the recreational hunter, fisherman. The same foolishness, monkey business that is assumed all too common on public grounds in known to be just as much a problem on private holdings. Private land is not immune to breaches in ethical or sportsmanlike conduct. There is no legitimate excuse for treating fellow hunters and fishermen in a poor manner that occurs. Trespass shows disrespect for the landowners and fellow hunters alike
- Of our sport, the passions we so dearly love. are we humbled and appreciative of the great forests and waterways? Are we humbled and appreciative of our fellow hunters and fishermen that we share these great resources with?
As a landowner or lease/club member:
- Vast amounts of money are involved to purchase, pay county & school taxes, or fees to lease. Land taxes have risen well ahead of inflation to the tune of 2X-3X over other states in the union. It can be viewed as legalized theft in some lines of thought. As a landowner, it is a thought process quickly learned and a reality. Leases have risen due to taxes, and the popularity of outdoor-focused leasing /realty companies. The continual loss of farms and the increase in development further increase the cost and demand for recreational properties. Maintaining a property for wildlife involves plenty of funds and sweat equity.
- Because your past three generations of family hunted there, it does not trump or replace courtesy, respect, or asking permission. Your ignorant boasting of entitlement to hunt wherever you want is a false premise. It is all too common a complaint about local hunters. Your family or those that passed on are not maintaining, nor paying taxes on the property. You can easily change that, be a great neighbor.
- Fishermen do not get a pass on self-granted rights to trespass as access to private honey holes is not an entitled right of way. In New York, navigable waters have a separate set of laws that apply.
- Poor behavior, trespass, destruction of property, theft, infighting between hunting parties, poaching, ignoring specific instructions, or requests are all legitimate reasons why landowners say no or rescind your permissions. As a landowner saying no is their right that may or may not come with an explanation.
- It is a major irritation to expend time and money to thwart, report and or prosecute trespassers only to see them given a slap on the wrist or a minor fine. $50 to$250 fines are not enough to deter the disrespect, the ignorance that exists in the hunting community.
- How many of you visit to help a landowner in the offseason or in season, send thank you’s or visit to thank in person? Do you invite them for a home-cooked meal, or in general conduct yourself as a good neighbor, an ethical hunter that appreciates the privilege?
With the acceptance of game cams as scouting tools, it has become an additional season of installing and checking in the summer months. With the competitive nature of some in our ranks, the quest for boon’r buck or record setting long beard or the best fishing hole in the county causes some to steal memory cards, game cams, or destroy them and any stands or blinds they come across. In the past few years, the frequency of this type of criminal activity is increasing if judged by posts on social media. Whether there is increased trespass or that we now have better tools to capture it is made far worst that it is being done in many occurrences by fellow hunters. Clicking through the various hunting groups on social media it is astounding the number of reports of tree stands stolen or rendered unusable, deer cams broke or stolen, SD memory cards stolen.
In the following list are links to NYS sites that deal specifically with trespass, regulations, posting info, etc. I have included other useful links as well as one to a prior blog on game cam strategies.
- Public Fishing Rights and the Landowner -NYSDEC
- Posting Information for Landowners, Boaters, Fishermen and Hunters -NYSDEC
- Avoiding Conflicts Between Waterfowl Hunters and Waterfront Property Owners -NYSDEC
- Dealing with Trespassers -Cornell Univ
- Recreational access and owner liability -Cornell Univ
- Post Deer Season- Time to Implement a New Game Camera Strategy
As a landowner, I can tell you first hand you will quickly expand your fan base in a less than desirable way by wanting to control your property in any configuration. Some folks feel or even insist they have a right to your place. You and I may have an adverse response to such arrogant entitlement thinking. Trust me it is out there as many are not shy about it, in fact boastful.
Diligence and willingness to press charges does pay off as it eventually reduces trespass once they learn you have a spine and will do what is needed to fully enjoy your place as the owner of the property. I can tell you that sending a certified notice against trespass or having the local sheriff deliver it in person is an effective way to get your point across. Posting, maintaining signs, the expense of cameras, batteries,and other items just to secure your place takes away from time and money otherwise spent enjoying it.
Poor behavior is not a one-way street, as we all know that one special landowner that tries to claim rights to other properties, accosts anyone that comes near their boundary or travels an adjacent road along their place. It makes for hostile or worse interactions. I have been privy to one property owner near me that claimed to own the county road that dissected her place. Unnecessary conflict and bad relations for all involved.
It is my well-learned opinion that we New Yorkers have easy access to thousands upon thousands of the best public hunting grounds to be found in our great nation. Our waterways are world-renowned and something to cherish. As ethical sportsmen and sportswomen, criminal trespass is an abhorrent act towards each other and especially landowners. As hunters, as fishermen, as landowners, there is much room to improve relationships with only a little effort and a large dose of mutual respect. We all deserve this from each other.
© 2017 Joyner Outdoor Media
Turkey Reaping & Decoying- Unsafe? Irresponsible Danger? A Review…
Back then I stepped up on one big soapbox and said my peace. No apologies, no retractions as my thoughts have not softened or changed much on the subject. I sure rattled a few cages and there was plenty of pushback and claims that I had no proof, no such foul play has ever occurred, totally safe, an elitist, and so on… I’ll step back up again…
Writing from a perspective of firm conviction, without conflicts of interests, or other detracting voices along comes the unfortunate truth of what I believed would be the inevitable outcome. Not against decoy use in general, but I find myself using them less as I find better ways to set up on an approaching gobbler. If there was ever something I would be all too happy to be wrong about, it would be this subject. I ran across several stories offering evidence of how unsafe it is, which sadly I’ll get to shortly.
It is not the perspective of “my way” is better than your way. Personally, I absolutely love roosting a gobbler on a big ridge, figure him out, call him in strutting to 30 paces and outsmart him for one single last time. Lots of hunters prefer hunting the edges of fields, I generally do not, but on occasion, I will if it is on the menu that day. Hunting with different people at times, the menu and properties change. You have some hunters that find Turkey Fanning, Turkey Reaping just as alluring as I find going about it the old time-honored ways of matching wits on the gobbler’s terms. In my last remark, It is not one way is better than the other. Very easy to imagine how much you would be on edge, your heart pounding in your throat while fanning up a big old gobbler. It has to be exciting, I get that. In all that excitement, and the snap shooting judgment that goes with it, how brief is the time to safely assess your sight picture, foreground, and background while the gobbler is making a hasty exit? In my opinion, it’s not worth the risk that comes with it.
Turkey Fanning, Turkey Reaping is absolutely effective and a high percentage way to kill wild turkeys. Plenty of outdoor hunt footage can be found on Youtube with one gobbler fooled after another using this approach. One is labeled as an elitist (bullying tactic) for decrying this method as foolhardy and unsafe for both the practitioner and unfortunate hunter who may come upon it. Is it worth that either may shoot each other or be shot inadvertently? It is reasonable to have disdain for the unsafe scenario it sets up. Since it’s resurgence has any gun safety instructors announced their endorsement of this practice? In the rolling terrain of upstate New York, you are at risk. Should you be out in the middle of a flat 200-acre corn field yet to be planted, not a concern. There are a few states that now ban this method, I suspect the more wide open terrain states will not, and would not view it as problematic there.
Propping up a turkey fan affixed to your barrel, worn on your head, or out in front while moving towards a strutting gobbler triggers him to dominate everything in the field. They come a running. Is this much different than going out on the first day of deer season wearing a deer costume with a pair of 140 class antlers on your head or as an attractive doe? I’ll buy you more than a few adult beverages if you allow me to take out an insurance policy on you with my name listed as a beneficiary.
Sure I have my preferred methods of how I hunt gobblers, I am not crazy about the choices of some hunters no more than they may of mine. But where legal, ethical, and in different places in the world where one can pursue wild turkeys, it is how it’s done, take it or leave it. I have no quarrel with that. When it comes to Turkey Fanning, Turkey Reaping it is my opinion that it is entirely unsafe with the exception of wide open fields and where rifles are illegal to use. Keep in mind we have hunters boasting of shotguns shooting effective patterns at eighty and ninety yards which is something not seen in a positive light in my view. I’ll leave that for another discussion.
As promised, and while climbing back down my ladder, here are the links to such unfortunate events including one in 2013 resulting in the death of a fellow turkey hunter. The second link is a follow-up article that mentions the fatality.
I would be perfectly happy if no such proof existed, ate my humble pie, and called it a day. Some things would be better on being wrong about it. I am a nonbeliever in calling such events “accidents” and nearly all of them could be avoided, rare exceptions noted. A form of “reapercide” we can do without…
My thoughts extend to any hunter injured or losing their life while chasing game in our great forests. Such events are stark contrasts to the beauty and wonderment of spending time in the great turkey woods.
You may or may not agree with my comments, but I do believe we can agree that we all want to come back home at noon or the end of the day with great memories from the fields and woods we so love. Whether or not we agree on this topic, I would much rather buy you a craft beer and discuss as loudly as we care to rather than send my condolences.
Be safe, shoot straight, and live well
© 2017 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
Turkey Reaping & Decoying- Over The Top, Irresponsible Danger?
When it comes to personal safety, I will not apologize. My hunting ethics may or may not be as yours, but I would assert there should be and there must be common ground in these matters. Whether this misguided practice of reaping is legal in your state or not, we have an obligation to our fellow hunters to put it bluntly- Not shoot them.
I personally use decoys in certain situations, mainly wide open hardwoods and fields with open approaches. The gobblers can see the decoys, and I am not surrounded by heavy cover nor encouraging stalking by others who would have no respect for themselves, me or my safety. Moving up to a field edge or on a ridge to gain a calling position is one thing. Stalking hen calls or crawling up to jump up and snap shoot is unsafe and wrong on so many levels.
I am sure that I am not making friends with the decoy industry or those who strongly disagree with my assertions here (advocates of reaping). As much as I like new gear, improved products, I cannot go along with $100-$400 decoys made to be ultra realistic or done as production line taxidermy. Seriously, if you put out a taxidermy mount or one of these über expensive decoys, how is one going to explain that away at trial for a shooting incident in the turkey woods. Is it that hard to phantom someone stalking your position, spotting your latest Acme 200 Stud Strutter decoy and promptly shoot it with you possibly in the path of the shot?
The latest fad, coined “turkey reaping” is way over the top. Simply put you wear a gobbler decoy on your head or in front of, or use a cardboard version held out in front of you and stalk directly towards a gobbler. Either you move in close or a dominate bird would charge at you to run you off. You then pull up your gun or snap shoot the gobbler at close range. Does it work? You bet, as there is plenty of footage to back up the claim. In that it is impressive.
This is where I stop and put on the brakes. Fact: the method/practice is unsafe, irresponsible, unethical, reckless and oh did I mention unsafe? A form of “reapercide” we can do without…
Think of this in terms of explaining this to a non-hunter or say a judge. Wearing and or displaying a gobbler decoy while in the field or turkey woods in simple terms means that you are willing to be the target that is the main objective of turkey season.
Let me paint a very common and plausible scenario. Let’s say you are set up below the lip of a ridge in open hardwoods or a rolling pasture. Been at it since sunrise and now it’s that special time when gobbler’s hens walk off, and they are searching again. You may have your acme decoy out maybe a hen or two. Just over rise not 35 yards away you spot the top of a fan. Little by little more of the über realistic decoy appears, you see the bright head, huge full fan, but not the lower third of the bird. Three hours waiting on this moment, you’re not going to let this one slip back over the edge and disappear as they always do. BOOM!! Congrats you just killed another hunter. Maybe if you had waited he might have jumped up and shot your cool gobbler decoy, and maybe you as well.
Do I hope this happens? Absolutely not, but I’d bet a crisp $100 bill that it will, sooner than later. Is there any justification to risk so much for any game animal? A gobbler? I think not. I can not nor will not accept the premise that one can offer a reasonable argument that the risks outweighs the rewards, that jumping up or snap shooting gives the shooter reasonable time or sight picture to ascertain a safe background before squeezing the trigger.
Do any of us need to punch a tag that bad that we’ll resort to risking our own safety or that of others? This is a worst case scenario for gun safety instructors and I have yet to see their endorsement of this practice.
This is all legal to do in many states, and it is always the case of playing catch up with new things as they come about. We as sportsmen do not require catching up for ethics and being diligent about gun/hunting safety. I ask each of you to ponder what I have brought up here and voice your opinions. If you come to the same or similar conclusion as I, let your wildlife agencies know, and hopefully ban this practice, save someone’s life or from suffering a life altering injury.
The satisfaction of fooling, outwitting a narly old gobbler to your setup based on good calling as needed, using great knowledge of the turkeywoods, and not needing all these gimmicks is a great experience to be had. We sorely need to get past the onslaught of irresponsible marketing of these companies and get back to basics.
As a side note, this was a difficult blog to write and post, as we have enough battles to wage with anti’s, and the likes of bows verses crossbows, etc. I routinely rep different companies and know that side of it as well. Business is hard enough these days, and fighting for our sport just as hard. We all get into discussions as which way is better than the other. When it comes to matters of safety and ethics, although a hard decision to speak out, it was a clear choice to make.
Be safe, shoot straight!
© 2014 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media
Old Memories, New Memories- Good Times: 2014 New York Spring Turkey Youth Hunt
Since the inception of the New York Spring Youth Turkey Hunt, there have been plenty of memories made, and lots of pictures of young adults with smiling faces. For my hunting partner Paul Walling and I this has been our experience, and something we look forward to. Although my children were grown adults before the inception of the special youth season, I would take out a young hunter as the opportunities presented themselves. Like many of you, we would take out young hunters in regular season as well.
For this particular hunt, Paul and I would be taking Keller Pai out for this morning’s hunt. Keller has taken several gobblers in prior hunts, and has a few seasons under his belt. As much as Paul and I enjoy each other’s company while hunting, we would agree that taking out a young hunter is the highlight of the season. Paul grew up learning how to hunt while taught by his father, and that is something I appreciate very much as I did not hunt until my mid 20″s. My father was an Adirondack deer hunter, but gave that up after joining the Navy. The experience for us to take out Keller is especially rewarding as the morning would be full of lessons of the turkey woods, and recounting of past experiences of our escapades and that of Paul and his father.
Our plan ‘A’ for the morning was to visit one of our favorite haunts that we affectionately call “Shorties.” There is a lengthy story behind the name, and technically there are two possibly three separate stories depending how one parses it. A chapter in my first book “Hills of Truxton” was dedicated to this “special” gobbler and so named. Disclosing the exact location is of course misleading on purpose but I can tell you that it is a piece of state game lands south of Cortland, or was that northeast of Truxton? I arrived ahead of Paul and Keller at 5:16AM, only to find another truck parked there, and they had already headed in. As good as the place is, we very seldom run into other hunters there. I let Paul know that we needed to go elsewhere as we would not intrude on purpose, and would give them the courtesy that is due. We would regroup and try our luck at another favored spot a little more than a mile from where we were. We would find our plan “B” choice to be unencumbered, and appeared to had little vehicle traffic nor any one parking there recently. As a side note, we saw no other vehicles parked at the side of the road or at trail heads the remainder of the morning. In some respects the 2nd location and the logging trail along the bottom of a hill would provide an area shielded from the predominate wind that morning, allowing us to hear a ways off. Rain had tapered off long before daylight, although cool temps greeted us, it was much more comfortable being out of the wind. The morning would remained overcast and cloudy, no bright sunny day to warm things up today. A base layer, and light hunting jacket would suffice.
We would slowly work our way into the woods as the regrouping had us going in as the sky began to change and was getting light out. Paul knew the traditional roosting areas very well,and we could cover some ground without disrupting the birds as they waited to fly down. We quickly called up an owl, which did elicit a gobble from parts unknown in distance and only a general direction. The owl favored Paul’s rendition of an owl more so this morning, and would occasionally answer my efforts. Paul and I learned long ago, that with two callers, favored responses will switch back and forth over the course of the morning. It mattered little, as long as we got a response. For the first 30 minutes we would occasionally hear a gobbler, not at all close but in a direction that we figured to be where Plan “A’ would have taken place. I personally thought we would hear a shot come from there. Something that we never heard during our time there this morning. A slow start to be sure.
We eventually got out to a spot that overlooked a large drop off along the state land border. A few calls got a round house of gobbling and hen talk from a flock we figured to be a good quarter mile or further down the bottom of the overlook on private property. We sat down and decided to see what if anything the flock would do. By auditory appearances my guess would be several mature gobblers, a few jakes and at least a hen or two willing to talk. Most likely more hens than what we would like. They would gobble at any call we made, so we decided to wait a bit, and see if their feet were moving or just their beaks. Probably less than ten minutes, I did a short sequence on a mouth call that Paul makes for me, and got an immediate response, not more than a few hundred yards below us. We got an answer we were happy about. Wasting no time I moved back and over some from Paul and Keller. A few calls later the gobbles in response to our calls ceased and I figure either they were coming or working out the steep bank. After making a call with no response, I decided to hold off and see what they do. Paul and I read each other’s next moves pretty well, and when he called shortly after I had stopped it surprised me, even more so, the call was a very soft first yelp and finished just as soft. That is when I notice Keller’s shoulders tighten up. The game was on and target was in sight. The gun came up, and a moment later it roared. I was far enough back that I could not see the approaching bird.
We all got up, with Keller reaching the bird in mere seconds. It was a good sized jake, and he had wasted no time coming up the steep bank to get to us. Paul’s last call turned the bird enough to bring his path in front of them and within 30 yards. With the woods wide open which is typical for early season, it was great to not have the bird hangup 50-60-70 yards below our location. After tagging the bird and taking pictures we walked back only a little faster than we came in, listening for other gobblers as any intel is welcomed for the opener on May 1st. We did hear a few gobbles, but nothing close. Given our location, we were surprised to hear no other shotgun blasts, although Keller thought he heard one, far off and early.
Keller got a quick lesson as to how fast things can go from a gobble way over yonder to fast action with an even faster conclusion that can occur in the turkey woods. Something Paul and I have experienced many times and I would suspect that goes the same for many of you.
We concluded the hunt with a great breakfast at the local diner (location not disclosed) and then parted ways, headed for home. A short nap later that morning was most welcomed. Big congrats to Keller and a big thank you to Paul for what continues to be one of many great and memorable hunts.
© 2014 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media