
NY NWTF $100K Commitment to Forests and Flocks Initiative

State Chapter President Eric Davis, on behalf of the New York NWTF Chapter, announced and presented a check to the Forests and Flocks Initiative, supporting future projects in New York in mid January 2025. The $50,000 commitment for New York to the Forests and Flocks Initiative will match other state commitments that cover a 13 Northeast state region.

The other $50,000 committed over a five-year period will go to the creation of an endowed professorship in the Northeast. The endowed professorships are an important goal for the new Forests and Flocks Initiative.

The donation/commitments celebrate the state chapter’s 50th anniversary, and a commitment to wild turkey conservation research. A check was presented at the 50th annual awards dinner this past January.

For source press releases:

© 2025 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

NWTF, UGA Establish First-Ever Endowed Wild Turkey Professorship

EDGEFIELD, S.C. — Taking its support of wild turkey research into new territory, the NWTF recently established the first-ever National Wild Turkey Federation Distinguished Professor position with the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources.
A prominent professor and researcher will be appointed as the school’s National Wild Turkey Federation Distinguished Professor later this year. That individual will be the recipient of a $500,000 endowment to facilitate wild turkey research endorsed and supported by state wildlife agencies in the years ahead.

“While we will always continue to allocate funds to critical wild turkey research projects through our National Wild Turkey RFP program, we need to also channel the momentum we’ve built around research into something a step further,” NWTF co-CEO Kurt Dyroff said. “This new endowed professorship with UGA will ensure that wild turkey research is funded and remains an area of focus into perpetuity.”

Once endowments are established, they are self-sustaining and create a dedicated funding stream to support and expand research with existing faculty or directly fund research faculty positions. As the $500,000 endowment grows, so too will its annual return, increasing its impact on the wild turkey throughout time.

The UGA endowment was financed by a $250,000 contribution from the NWTF and a $250,000 match grant from the UGA Foundation. NWTF’s staff leadership, the National Board of Directors and state chapter leaders endorsed this opportunity at the 48th annual Convention and Sport Show in Nashville in February.

The NWTF seeks to create similar positions at key universities across the country; this network of endowed professorships will promote future wild turkey researchers and ensure the study of the wild turkey remains an area of emphasis, during times of decline and during times of stability.

Similar university positions exist for waterfowl, quail, ungulates (deer) and other species, but the NWTF Distinguished Professor is the first of its kind for the wild turkey.

“As the first endowment of its kind in the country, this collaboration exemplifies our commitment to conserving wild turkeys and hunting heritage for future generations,” said Bridget Harden, senior director of development at UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. “The addition of this new distinguished professorship allows the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources to elevate wild turkey research to a higher level of excellence, achieving results that enhance our understanding of wild turkey management and ecology while honoring the vision and mission of the NWTF.”

The NWTF is working with the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia to appoint an individual to the position in August.

“The creation of these endowed professors and programs was the natural progression to ensure wild turkeys remain a focus in the future,” said Mark Hatfield, NWTF national director of science and planning. “In addition to our support through the Request for Proposals [research investment] program, we felt it was important to also invest in programs and opportunities that will create the next generation of wild turkey biologists.”

The announcement of the UGA professorship comes on the heels of the NWTF opening its RFP program for the third consecutive year.

Importantly, any NWTF endowed professorships or programs will not be guaranteed additional funding each year through the RFP program. Endowed professors will still have to apply for research funding through the NWTF’s competitive RFP process, which includes evaluation and scoring of projects by the NWTF Wild Turkey Technical Committee.

About the National Wild Turkey Federation
Since 1973, the National Wild Turkey Federation has invested over half a billion dollars into wildlife conservation and has positively impacted over 23 million acres of critical wildlife habitat. The NWTF has also invested over $9 million into wild turkey research to guide the management of the wild turkey population and to ensure sustainable populations into perpetuity. The organization continues to deliver its mission by working across boundaries on a landscape scale through its Four Shared Values: clean and abundant water, healthy forests and wildlife habitat, resilient communities, and robust recreational opportunities. With the help of its dedicated members, partners and staff, the NWTF continues its work to provide Healthy Habitats. and Healthy Harvests. for future generations.

National Wild Turkey Federation
PO Box 530
Edgefield South Carolina 29824
United States

New York Wild Turkey Records

The Empire State Limb Hangers book project is in the final phase of collecting the last few interviews, and getting the stories finalized. All current and known data and record listings per category is formatted and awaiting proofreading. It has grown past 400 pages in a 10×7 format This post will be reposted each pre season as there will be future editions as records are broken and those I attempted to include, catch up with the project. The more hunters that come on board that I originally sought to interview, the better. Records are made to be broken, eclipsed, and is expected.

If you tag a gobbler that meets the criteria listed below near the end of this post, I would love to interview you for inclusion in the project. Although your stories and photos will be captured for the book, you will retain rights to your photo’s and your story. Should you wish to have the story I write up used for other uses. Copyright permissions can be granted as needed.

The main issue with keeping it all legit for the project is typically weight as most of the small scales that are used to weigh fish can vary +/- 1 to 2 lbs or more. A weight coupon from a certified scale ensures accuracy and proof of measurement. Otherwise, it can be legitimately challenged. The scale should be suitable for products or goods for sale that are taxed in the state. I live in Cortland County and own several scales suitable for trade with a 25lb calibration weight with certification tracible to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, formerly National Bureau of Standards,) and can also provide a video of calibration and the actual weighing of your gobbler. I will be glad to do so, and there is no fee.

Pics with tape measurement in the pics are required to show scale and accuracy for beards and spurs. There are several handy products to help measure spurs (including the curved outside edge) but as of this writing, none aside from a tape measure cover the spur measurements that have been described going back decades as published by the NWTF As the decades long description covers the entire exposed spur that can occur below the outer edge of the leg, it is more often that the exposed spur is even with the leg edge. Anecdotal, as such, the differences observed have not exceeded 1/8″. As the calculation is x10 or x32 for each spur it is a detail to be aware of.

Anecdotal evidence unfortunately cannot be used to substantiate record book entries no matter how good the stories are.

Best bet if you think you have one for the books: weigh the gobbler on a certified scale and be sure to get a weight coupon. Take plenty of photos including those with a tape measure. NWTF requires witness signatures that also have to be an NWTF member if you wish to participate in their records program. Safari Club also has a program but is not viewable unless a member. I may include them if details can be worked out in the future.

Record entries not included in the NWTF system once verified can be accepted. You will note that the NWTF requires verifications that I have mentioned and I will accept their determinations for the project. I do support their system and would encourage you to enter your submission with the NWTF as well. NWTF submissions are now accepted online:

Scoring tabulations for the project will include the NWTF system, and the SBP weighted system. for more info on SBP

For those that I have contacted or attempted to contact at the beginning of the project: Your stories will be available to review as I complete them.

If you have harvested a legally tagged wild turkey with one or more of the following attributes in NY during the 2023-2024 spring/fall seasons, or years prior, registered or not registered w/NWTF records, We would love to talk to you about being included in the book!

Please contact

Note: Non registered birds- measurable attributes must be verified for consideration.

Typical score greater than 75.000 (weight x1 + beard x 2 + L & R spur x 10)

Non-Typical score greater than 105.000 (weight x1 + beard(s) x 2 + L & R spur x 10)

Weight greater than 26.5 lbs. (verifiable certified weight)

Beard Length greater than 12″ (verifiable length)

Spur Length greater than 1.625″ (verifiable length)

Color phase variations, Hens with spurs

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

.  #turkeyhunting #nywildturkeyrecords #wildturkey #nyturkeyrecords #recordbookgobblers

The Dilemma of Wild Turkey Records

Early on while conducting research for New York State Wild Turkey Records, it became evident that collecting the necessary data, tracking down possible records, and weeding out ghost stories of monster gobblers would not be a small task or an exact science. The abilities of turkey hunters to spin tall tales are as legendary as that of any fisherman.

The common issue in vetting any prospective entry; the weight of trophy gobblers is seldom accurate and is suspect in many unvetted circumstances. In most cases, spurs and beards can be retrieved, and a ruler applied. In pursuit of gathering an accurate as possible representation of trophy gobblers in the empire state, there are several hurdles to overcome, and I’ll have a request for your help in gathering additional data. The following describes some of the difficulties:

  • Many hunters do not enter their birds into the NWTF system.
    • Submission fee, not an NWTF member.Do not take the time to enter, or unless the gobbler is ranked high.
    • Simply not interested in records
  • NYSDEC does not maintain a database for recognizing trophy gobblers. They do log coarse data from required tag reporting. Unfortunately, the data is collected in broad increments, honor system only.
  • Possible records are word of mouth and unverifiable.
  • Overestimated and unverifiable body weights
  • No definitive records are found prior to 1969.
  • Prior to modern hunting seasons establish after the successes of conservation restoration efforts, post-market hunting era, very little distinction was given to the differences between jakes and gobblers with both referred to as gobblers.

Without a statewide system or database available that records trophy gobblers, one can only chase down reported stories, and contest results, and look to a national database for data. Currently, the NWTF record system for accessing trophy gobblers and merged data collated at are the only databases available.

During the exercise of parsing records by county, Cayuga, Franklin, Fulton, Genesee, Hamilton, Lewis, Niagara, Rockland, Warren, and Westchester have very few record entries or none thus far. In reviewing data that spans over three decades, the overall estimated harvest number in the state surpasses 1.4 million birds, with over twelve hundred records known, It is desired to have all the counties well represented and assume with good reason that many high-scoring gobblers can be found in all the huntable counties within the state.  It is requested that if so inclined, register your gobbler with the NWTF or directly with the book project “Empire State Limb Hangers”. Although the NWTF database is duly recognized, it is not a requirement for inclusion in this records book project and future updated editions.

It is acknowledged that there are many gobblers taken in the great empire state that are not recorded which would easily ratchet the records upward. If it were possible to track down and verify a fraction of the stories, the rankings would be significantly affected. This essentially is the dilemma.

It is important to note that this project was initially started in 2008, and in all the delays, and life changes that occurred that delayed the books’ completion, active, periodic requests for inclusion, including both individual submissions and turkey contests that could be vetted were published and kept active through websites and social media. With over a decade of open invitations to participate, it is an inevitable aspect of human nature that will have some show up a day late for the party.

For future editions of this book, updates and additions will be based on available database queries from NWTF records database as well as verified gobblers from other sources. As many sportsmen’s clubs are coming online with their websites and publish historical data, it is thought to find additional record entries of notable distinction. I do encourage you to participate and would love to hear your stories.

Useful links

NYSDEC – Game Harvest Reporting


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Big Updates – NY Wild Turkey Records

Big Updates – NY Wild Turkey Records

2023 is a big year for changes in wild turkey records in the Empire State. While doing the annual due diligence review of records and finishing prep work for the upcoming book “Empire Limb Hangers, New York Wild Turkey Records 1st Edition” It is full of changes in the top echelons of several categories. The Typical score category saw a shake-up of the top five with the new spring season in Suffolk County. A new #4 record lasted an entire week before a new #1 record came along, pushing it back to #5. The significance is the impact of unseating records that have been held for twenty-four years, past the glory days of the mid-1990s and early 2000s

A current database of 1287 records suggests that there are many opportunities yet to find, confirm, and capture more record book gobblers in the great Empire State. Please review the links and advise of any corrections, and or new entries you may want to submit.

I will take a break from this to review hunter interviews for the book and to finish writing and retaking some photos for the D.D. Adams book which is next in the que.  The turkey talk website is slowly being populated with all but a few sections to finish, the records section is now up and published with current data. The records section features top records, and links to the NWTF to help with registering your birds with them as the longest and consistent record system out there.  There is a full introduction to an alternated view of the data in SBP Records with a spur-centric emphasis.

We strongly encourage you to support the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) and TFT (Turkeys For Tomorrow) and to record your gobblers with the NWTF records system. The SBP system is a fun exercise and good for some smack talk at hunting camp. You can also submit your record directly.

Submissions submitted directly are accepted and approved as long as measuring conditions are met, can be verified, the hunt conducted legally and in keeping with fair chase. See measuring instructions at SBP Measure For the latest SBP Submission form: SBP Submission Form email completed forms or if you have any questions at: We do not charge a fee for any method of submission. There is no membership offered or required. We do recommend that you donate to and support the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) and or TFT (Turkeys For Tomorrow) as members or direct donations that benefit habitat work, research and legislative efforts concerning wildlife initiatives, conservation, and hunter issues.

Existing/New NWTF records are recognized as vetted and reviewed. When submitting your New York gobbler entry to the NWTF you may also email us at: and let us know it has been submitted. It is important to note that the SBP Records is simply an alternate view of balanced data for those that wish to look at a spur centric view in evaluating older gobblers. The NWTF records formula has been providing a foundation for those balanced views for nearly fifty years.

For more information on the NWTF records system go to: NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) For the latest NWTF Submission Form: NWTF Record Submission Form


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Long Island Delivers a New Top Wild Turkey Record

With the inaugural fully open spring season this past May in Suffolk County, it was predicted by many of us in the turkey hunting community that gobblers tagged in Suffolk County would likely rachet the record books upward. It has not only moved the high water mark upward but delivered a new #1 Typical Score on May 10th. This follows another gobbler in the top five from this season-

A fall season had been in place in Suffolk since 2009, along with a spring youth hunt that began in 2011. After much deliberation and observations of plentiful and healthy flocks on Long Island, the go-ahead for an open spring season hunt was green-lighted this past May. With hunting fall gobblers a more difficult endeavor in the fall season, having an open season in the spring was expected to yield even more impressive gobblers.  It is a shift of preferences from fall to spring from over a century ago when fall season was the traditional season.

Christopher Tellone, a resident of Long Island, took his first ever wild turkey gobbler this spring and without question, a wild turkey gobbler of a lifetime. It may be his first turkey, but Christopher is no spring chicken in the woods or new to hunting. As a lifelong deer hunter, he employed many of his woodsmanship skills to help him bag the new top typical score gobbler in the Empire State. Chris, now known to his friends as “Long Spur,” tells the story of getting onto a flock of birds that morning with several gobblers courting hens. Although he is new to calling turkeys, he knew that the hens were not swayed by his calling and the gobblers were not leaving the hens they courted. After giving it ample time for the flock to come his way, he backed out to head to his truck. He spotted the flock several hundred yards in a field. Surmising where they would end up, he patiently made his way to position himself to where they would eventually cross. As the hens left the gobblers an hour later to head back to the woods, they crossed in front, and the gobblers would follow. Choosing the largest gobbler that lead the bachelor group, Chris made good on his shot. 

Chris’s bird scoring 84.0000 NWTF-Score surpasses the previous record held for 24 years for the number one typical category taken by Robert Miller Jr. in 1999, with an 82.1600 NWTF-Score.   The gobbler was weighed on a certified commercial scale and properly measured in accordance with NWTF guidelines.  The gobbler weighed in at 28lbs, sporting 1.75” spurs on each leg, and swung a 10.5” beard.

The gobbler, currently recorded by the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation,) also shows the bird to rank #3 in the state for spurs, and #4 for weight.

Using the SBP method of scoring, the gobbler scores 182.0000 taking over the #2 ranking in New York.

NWTF Typical   calculation  = (weight x1) + (spurs total x10) + (beard x2)                        

SBP Typical calculation  = (weight x1) + (spurs total x32) + (beard x4)

Congratulations on an impressive first gobbler and a new record!


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Pending #4 Typical Record NY Gobbler

After a recent query on social media several days ago, a pending new record book gobbler has been identified and it’s been suggested by many, including myself that with the inaugural spring season on Long Island this past May, that record book gobblers would likely come from there. The gobbler was hunted by Butch Janke from Long Island, in Suffolk County on public grounds on May 6th.

Butch’s gobbler weighed in at 26lbs even, on a state-certified scale, sporting  1-11/16” and 1-1/2” spurs, and a 10-3/8” beard, making the gobbler a record book entry for the typical category. The bird preliminary scores are as follows:

NWTF Typical                    81.2500                 (weight x1) + (spurs total x10) + (beard x2)                         

SBP Typical                        177.7500             (weight x1) + (spurs total x32) + (beard x4) 

Butch’s gobbler will be entered into the NWTF records once witnesses confirm. Two member witnesses are required as weight is over 22 lbs, and spurs are longer than 1-1/2″.

Preliminary stats, once finalized, the gobbler will be the fourth highest-scoring typical gobbler in New York State. Spurs will also tie with ten others recorded in the third-longest spur length in the empire state. Additionally, the gobbler ranks fifth in the SBP system calculation.

For others looking to record their gobbler, it is a good opportunity to point out that he used a certified weight scale, and took plenty of pictures in keeping with NWTF guidelines and those republished and supported by, Joyner Outdoor Media, and the Empire State Limb Hangers book project. Butch has agreed to participate in the book project, and I look forward to the interview and learning his story of the hunt firsthand.


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Estimated Wild Turkey Harvest Reports NY

With the ongoing concerns about the observable decline of wild turkey populations in the great Empire State, it is a timely exercise to take a look at the estimated harvest numbers. We’ll look at this by the statewide macro, all the way back before the observable peaks and what is considered by many to be the heyday of turkeys in nearly every place you might look for them. As a geeky engineer personality, I follow such statistics concerning our favored nemesis, including measurable trophy records. I ask that you consider this carefully from the macro view, as estimations rely on statistical modeling that bears true overall from large volumes of data rather than looking at widely varying micro-ecosystems. Before I dive into this further there is a list of precepts, assumptions, and points to make to take notice of and pay heed to before coming to any conclusions. The current topic of population decline is an emotional and often heated discussion full of finger-pointing and rife with blame and quick fixes. The purpose of this is to show how severe the decline is estimated to be.

Source data used:
The data from 1999 thru 2021 is sourced from NYSDEC webpages, Both pages are captured from previously published versions of the same links. Currently, active published links only go back to 2012.

NYSDEC data from 2006 thru 2021 is estimated harvest data. 2008 version published spring harvest data included both reported harvest and estimated harvest for 1999 thru 2005 no such comparison for the fall harvest is found in the search.

NYSDEC data from 1999 thru 2005 is estimated harvest data. 2008 version published spring harvest data included both reported harvest and estimated harvest for 1999 thru 2005 no such comparison for the fall harvest is found in the search.

The data from 1990 thru 1998 is sourced from NYSDEC webpages, Both pages are captured from previously published versions of the same links.


  1. All data used to create this is from NYSDEC published reports. All comments made here are not as a representative or authority of the NYSDEC or reviewed. Corrections, and or clarifications are sincerely welcomed to make this as accurate as feasibly possible.
  2. Estimation factors applied to reported harvest numbers are targeted to realistically represent poaching estimates, harvest reporting participation, and other factors identified by the NYSDEC. I would invite them to comment on what is involved in reaching estimation factors applied to each county.
  3. This is a macro statewide view. Anecdotally, each of us can cite absolute conclusions from our honey holes, the trash talk at the diners, conversations at the trail heads, etc. Managing the wildlife resource by region is the current method.
  4. Very few of us hunt more than a few counties any given season and even less are afield throughout the entire year. The extenuating factors to list by county much less by individual parcels, tracts of land are too many, too varied to digest well enough to rationally get a handle of the widespread landscape of decline. Such studies on micro ecosystems would take decades to complete and reach any consensus or actionable conclusions.
  5. The factors derived by the years 1999 through 2005 were averaged out by county and applied to estimate numbers for 1990 thru 1998. NYSDEC has not provided or published factors for these years. The peak factor numbers were not used in my calculations so as to not overstate the peak years. If such factoring data exists it would be much preferred


  1. As the peak years are based only on derived averaged factoring, (1999-2005 Spring Season) it is a conservative estimate that the population is now roughly 20-25% of the peak population year. Some individual counties at first glance appear to be further declined. It will require correlation with license sales in those counties to validate that. What is sustainable year to year is not submitted or asserted here. It is far more complex than the harvest data thus far can suggest.
  2. The factoring spread among all NY counties (1999-2005 Spring Seasons) ranges from 2.65 to 7.40.
  3. The average spread among all NY counties (1999-2005 Spring Seasons) ranges from 4.06 to 5.71.
  4. The averaged factor among all NY counties = 4.57 (1999-2005 Spring Seasons)
  5. Translation- for every harvest reported. 3.57 turkeys across the Empire State were not reported or taken illegally. It is unclear as to what percentages or other contributors.


I invite the NYDEC to comment to participate in communicating to New York Sportsmen as to what goes into the statistical modeling and factoring of yearly game harvest number estimates. Poaching of course is already illegal, over-harvest, etc. One thing each of us can control and improve as a group is the harvest reporting participation. 90-100% is possible. I can recall from NYSDEC -NY NWTF meetings during the change over from raw harvest data reporting to estimated harvest reporting, how low the harvest reporting participation was thought to be. I am a big fan of removing as much guessing as possible to improve the statistical modeling. With the population severely declining, how well does it bode to turn a blind eye to those we know that pile up a half dozen gobblers season after season before filling the first tag? It is not the primary reason for the decline but a contributing factor and hinders the ability to accurately model population trends, or stability.

We can do better. If we are to get a handle on the low-hanging fruit of root causes causing the population to decline, we need to get past this, what we can directly, and immediately control. This is a friendly reminder that as sportsmen, we do not require a state agency to self-regulate our own actions. I won’t implore that any of you adopt my personal ethics, but I would ask each of you to give pause/reservation to squeezing the trigger at your favored stomping grounds where you now only see one or two birds whereas you use to see fifteen or twenty in the spring. In far too many locations across the state, we make that choice on what may be the last remaining turkeys, in the field, on the hill. It may be some time to see them rebound, and there are too many places on my list that I’ll check on, but I am no longer willing to fill a tag there. This includes my own property. It is a most disheartening thing.

I will conclude by asking each of you to view this as trending data, not absolute, and is in a broad view of the entire New York wild turkey population. Hopefully, the folks at the NYSDEC will provide much more clarity to this and further explain the modeling and factoring that makes this a monitoring tool for the wild turkey resource we are so passionate about.


© 2022
Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

NY Wild Turkey Records Book Project

The Empire State Limb Hangers book project is coming to a final close for inclusion for the first edition. It has been a long time coming. Since a significant life event this past late summer/fall, wrapping up large works and getting them to the finish line are a concentrated effort now, I have done what I can to gain interviews, including several state wide tours. I can entertain a third tour this summer.

Any new record entries are invited to interview. If you tag or have tagged a legally harvested gobbler that meets the criteria listed at the end of this, I would love to interview you for inclusion in the project. Although your stories and photos will be captured for the book, you will retain all rights to your photo’s and your story. Should you wish to have the story I write up to be used for other uses, Copyright permissions would be normal and expected for personal uses, commercial use can be reviewed for consideration.

The deadline for interviewing for the first edition will be November 21, 2022. If you should tag a fall bird for consideration during late season this fall, contact me-

Book Release is slated for June 3rd, 2023.

The challenges with keeping it all legit for the project is typically weight as most of the common small scales that are used to weigh fish can vary +/- 1 lbs to 2 lbs or more. A weight coupon from a certified scale ensures accuracy and proof of measurement. Otherwise, it can be legitimately and reasonably challenged. The scale should be suitable for products or goods for sale that are taxed in the state.

Pictures with tape measurement in the pics are best to show scale for beards and spurs. There are several handy products to help measure spurs (including the curved outside edge) but as of this writing, none cover the spur measurements that have been described going back decades as published by the NWTF

Anecdotal evidence cannot be used to substantiate record book entries. If you think you have one for the books: weigh the gobbler on a certified scale and be sure to get a weight coupon. Take plenty of photos. NWTF requires witness signatures that also have to be an NWTF member if you wish to participate in their records program. Safari Club also has a program but is not viewable unless a current member. I may include them if details can be worked out in the future. I am accepting record entries not included in the NWTF system. Please note that the NWTF requires verifications that I have mentioned and will accept their determinations for the project. I do support their system and would encourage you to enter your submission with the NWTF as well. NWTF submissions are now accepted online:

Scoring tabulations for the project will include the NWTF system, and the SBP weighted system. for more info on SBP

For those that I have contacted or attempted to contact at the beginning of the project: Your stories will be available to review as I complete them. The book will not be published until each person reviews and provided feedback as to the accuracy and that no sensitive information that needs to be private remains so. Hunting location is often the consideration for discretion.

If you haven’t been interviewed and would like to be included, please contact me, I would love to include as many as possible that met the original score criteria.

There will be future editions as records are broken. For those I attempted to include in prior attempts, should you desire to catch up and be included in the project, that would be welcomed for future inclusion. Some hunters have passed on, and should their families or hunting partners have an interest, please contact me directly. The more turkey hunters that come on board that I originally sought to interview, the better. Records are made to be broken, eclipsed, and are expected.

If you have harvested a legally tagged wild turkey with one or more of the following attributes in NY during the 2021-2022 spring/fall seasons, or years prior, registered or not registered with NWTF records, I would love to talk to you about being included in the book!

Please contact

Note: Non-registered birds- measurable attributes must be verified for consideration.

Typical score greater than 75.000 (weight x1 + beard x 2 + L & R spur x 10)

Non-Typical score greater than 105.000 (weight x1 + beard(s) x 2 + L & R spur(s) x 10)

Weight greater than 26.5 lbs. (verifiable certified weight)

Beard Length greater than 12″ (verifiable length)

Spur Length greater than 1.625″ (verifiable length)

Color phase variations and Hens with beards or spurs are notable stories for inclusion.


© 2022 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Nobody Hates a Turkey Hunter More Than…

Nobody Hates a Turkey Hunter More Than…

If you asked me this back when I began chasing gobblers three decades ago I might have answered: Anti Hunters, Vegetarians, maybe Bow Hunters during overlapping weeks in the fall season.  In recent months we now have our own version of wildly indignant “Camo Karen’s” among our ranks. Very much like the popularized stereotype of the loud, overbearing, self-serving, and self-entitled suburbanite soccer moms except in camo, and inclusive of men, not to discriminate of course.

To answer the titled question in real time: “Nobody hates a turkey hunter more than another turkey hunter in my spot, tagging my birds”

What is observed to be fueling this enhanced discourse is the bickering, blaming and finger pointing over the significant decline in wild turkey populations in many states in the USA. One can argue the exact years, but I’ll put a stake in the ground that the mid to late 1990’s were peak years in Central New York, and early 2000’s in Northern New York. As found in natural science, you can expect some period of peaks and valleys to oscillate after a major peak in wildlife populations. Rather than stabilize after a decade from a major uptick in population, a down trend in many areas is something that we can agree on. This did not go unnoticed by our NYSDEC wildlife biologists in New York, or the NY NWTF Chapter.

Research has been conducted and continues to be on going with NYSDEC, SUNY ESF and in part funded by the NWTF, funds raised thru licenses and other sources. New York is not alone in this as other states have similar efforts and collectively looking to solve the overall decline and provide more accurate tools to manage the wildlife resource, more tightly manage regulations, bag limits, and harvest goals.

Camo Karen’s have been blasting all over social media what is justified to disparage and blame in their view for declining wild turkey populations. Here are a few examples that are rich in selfism, and envy of others:

  • Fall seasons should have been closed long ago (no discussion on how spring seasons were not a valid season a century ago, turkey hunting use to be done only in the fall. Before their time therefore did not exist.)
  • Shooting hens or bearded hens should never have been allowed in fall seasons. (never mind what wildlife biologists say can be sustainable or not.)
  • TSS, Hevi Shot and other heavier than lead loads used to promote long range shots are unfair advantage and decimating turkey flocks.
  • Nonresident hunting should have been draw only or not allowed all together. Resident hunters are entitled to “their turkeys” We should double, even triple the cost of NR licenses and reduce their bag limit to one bird only, no matter how many tags residents are allowed.
  • Grand Slams, Royal Slams, World Slams, 49 State Slams, Washington State Slams, Canadian Slams, Mexican Slams and so on are solely responsible for over harvesting declining populations (as expressed there must be 100K+ turkey hunters traveling and committing gobbler genocide each spring.)
  • Despite declining numbers of hunters overall, States should not be promoting hunting tourism, or paying outdoor TV shows or outdoor writers to promote hunting to bolster future generations of hunters. Greedy capitalism is to blame.
  • TV outdoor shows filming hunts as nonresident hunters is a level up offense and single handedly responsible for population declines and causes resident hunters to put up with others shooting “their turkeys.” You Tubers are the scourge of the turkey hunting fraternity and cause of declining turkey populations
  • Advertising of great public land locales through tourism practices, social media has single handedly ruined the sport and decimated these hunting grounds. Odd that I can recall hunting guide articles that came out every year that gave advice on where to hunt on WMA’s with the best odds of success since I started hunting in 1985.  I recall reading similar articles in very old hunting magazines in hunting camp.
  • Any and all modern use of decoys, GPS, google earth, TSS, reaping, fanning, rifles, etc. have made turkey hunting easy, unfair, and decimated the populations wherever used.

As a disclaimer, the claims, opinions are posted repeatedly in social media, not my own opinion. I do take issue with fanning, reaping, stalking as safety concerns, and long range shots for an ethical viewpoint. None of which I would consider responsible for mass decimation of turkey populations.

In perusing through so many of these utterances, one can reasonably conclude that the self-serving “Nobody Hates a Turkey Hunter More Than Another Turkey Hunter Within Eyesight Of Their Hunting Spot” is the probable motivation.  

The current situation with declining numbers did not happen overnight, and as far back as I got into it and long before I started, wildlife research evolves, and especially so with the advancement of data collection technologies and methods. The predictive weather modeling tool for influences on brooding success came out in the late 1990’s as biologists were concerned how it might impact flocks after successful trap and transfer programs were winding down. Similar research on using satellite imaging data for modeling land use types was identified as a significant influence on turkey populations. Research continues on gobbling activity, predator impacts, how far turkeys move due to hunting pressure, causals of avian diseases, and more recently what percentage of all these factors are impacting the declines as a sort of super storm.

Hunting licenses, bag limits, length of seasons, legal hours, legal implements, and methods are all under the direct control of wildlife agencies. They require vetted data, and practical modeling tools to set hunting season particulars, not the anecdotal arm chair bravado that we hear or read so much of. There are some cases of politics dictating policy. We are much better off when that does not happen. The loss of quality sustainable habitat, disease, poor brooding conditions are significant detractors of wildlife populations that we have limited or no control over.

It is my opinion that it is human arrogance to think we have the ability to compete with Mother Nature in a managed and regulated hunting construct when it comes to the massive effects of cold wet spring weather, disease, and predation. Market hunting was abolished over a century ago. The past decade, my stomping grounds saw only a few decent brooding seasons, and we now have more avian predators, a never ending supply of coyotes, and fishers which recently have taken hold. Folks that I have given permission to trap our place no longer engage in the activity. In the end if we continue to witness years of cold wet springs causing second and third nestings and having no significant impact on predators, no hunting seasons changes we can come up with are going to revitalize turkey flocks.

We can directly improve micro habitats. A lot of that is going on, can agree that much more could go on? As hunters we can also take up trapping or invite, give permission for trappers to come in and reduce predator numbers, mitigate nest predation, and improve survivability of prey species in general as well as our beloved wild turkey.

How many of us tolerate known poaching, rationalize taking more than our limit for a variety of entitled reasons? Sure, we cannot control what others do, but it starts with each of us. Public lands in my county are under hunted, yet flocks are shrinking there. I travel much farther than I like to in the spring, and have not taken a fall bird in NY in years. I still check on the fall flocks, but refrain from filling a tag. Spots that would hold 50-80 birds in the past now have 5-15 maybe, some spots none at all. That is my personal choice. You may decide differently.

In closing, adjustments, corrections to hunting seasons, methods, bag limits etc, will be acted upon based on the work of wildlife biologists and the evolving science that comes from ongoing research. The Camo Karen’s will not be a positive voice among the influencers that they envy so much. It is a bad look for us as hunters and only serves to be consistent with the hostile division we see across our country in far too many aspects of our daily lives. I submit that we ought to avoid all that in our refuge in the turkey woods…


© 2021 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media