
NY NWTF $100K Commitment to Forests and Flocks Initiative

State Chapter President Eric Davis, on behalf of the New York NWTF Chapter, announced and presented a check to the Forests and Flocks Initiative, supporting future projects in New York in mid January 2025. The $50,000 commitment for New York to the Forests and Flocks Initiative will match other state commitments that cover a 13 Northeast state region.

The other $50,000 committed over a five-year period will go to the creation of an endowed professorship in the Northeast. The endowed professorships are an important goal for the new Forests and Flocks Initiative.

The donation/commitments celebrate the state chapter’s 50th anniversary, and a commitment to wild turkey conservation research. A check was presented at the 50th annual awards dinner this past January.

For source press releases:

© 2025 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

The Chase- A Book Review

A new turkey hunting themed book is now out by new author Mindy Oldham, and illustrated by her husband, Timothy Oldham Jr. As her first book, it is a solid offering for those that enjoy hunting themed works, and story telling that is often encountered among friends of the turkey woods. To be blunt and forward in reviewing the book, I disclose a favored bias for writing as we might speak at camp, at a trailhead or at a local diner in April or May. Camo or not, we easily find each other, and the story telling commences.

Mindy has a warm, friendly, and inviting style of story telling. To read her book is to get to know and like her from the first chapter on. Very open in her storytelling, you come to enjoy a long glimpse into the outdoor world as she sees it. Her stories are done in a wonderful style that I truly enjoy. One can imagine being at camp with the Oldham’s, enjoying a great meal after a great hunt and telling stories well into the night.

Those of you turkey hunting diehards that are big into call making and collecting might recognize Tim from the beautiful art that he creates and handcrafted calls he also makes. His art appears throughout the book. It certainly adds to the very personalized feel of the book.

The book is offered in hardcover and available for $30 which includes free shipping in the USA. The hardcover is nicely done as is the high quality paper and printing. The book mark is especially nice and personalized. So much so, I am inclined to see about adopting the wider format and thicker card stock for my own book bling for future releases.

It was an enjoyable read and I encourage you to pick up a copy. I look forward to seeing more of her book releases in the future!

To purchase a copy email: or message her on facebook

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Bring Us Your Tired, Worn Out Anglers, and Turkey Hunters

If you happen to be an angler that is plum worm out reeling in those monster stripers, or any of the multitude of sport fish that will test the limits of your fitness, I might have a solution for you! Lets face it, a day of long retrieves can reality check the best of us crusty ol’ anglers. We know all to well what it is like for us cantankerous turkey hunters to carry out those monster gobblers miles back in from the truck. Guilty as charged…

During the 2024 New York Outdoor Writers Association Conference in Oswego, New York this past weekend, we were introduced to a new local business- Aqua Spa Float Center & Wellness Boutique. With an invite to try a few of their wellness services, I would visit along with my wife, Lee. We scheduled an afternoon visit after several days of outings during the conference. We were promptly greeted when we arrived and our first impression of a clean, warm and inviting facility was in keeping with what was described to us from Oswego County Tourism staff we met with at our meet and greet on Thursday evening.

The wellness and float offerings are robust and the customer can choose from recommended times for each. As expected they offer a variety of packaged offerings. The services offered include:

Float Therapy / Cryotherapy / Infrared Sauna / Salt Therapy / Oxygen Bar / OHCO M.8 Massage Chair

IV Nutrient Therapy / PBM Therapy / Aesthetics Services

The links embedded in each category of services will take you to a full description of each offering. The prices are affordable, and they have certified medical staff for treatments that you would expect certified professionals.

We both chose the massage chair and oxygen bar as an introduction to their services. The massage was fantastic, not just a simple vibrating chair. Very robust massage, firm enough to be very effective in easing those sore muscles from hauling in those big lakers. Your back and legs will thank you for it. You can also add heat to further enhance the therapeutic value. We did a 16 minute session and would be keen on longer sessions in future visits. The Oxygen Bar is a great experience as you can choose from the various infused scents and you will notice an immediate difference in relaxation, calming and mood. If we had more time the float tank is another offering we would have tried. We will try this in a future visit.

The staff is very friendly, attentive and professional. This adds to the inviting atmosphere, and it is the opinion of this ol’ crusty turkey hunter/fisherman that it is worthy of your time to pay a visit and sample what you might find to your liking and to be most beneficial to rejuvenate from a great day on the water or in your favored turkey woods. For those of you that regularly work out, you would definitely benefit from services offered here. You can learn more at:

You can easily spend a half day or more with combined therapies and with a little planning, create a fantastic long weekend of fishing, of relaxing therapies, and return from a mini vacation rejuvenated and and with memories of great times on the water. Highly recommended!

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Girls, Girls, Girls  -Late Season in New York

As the 2024 Spring Turkey Season is into its last days, our guest Viking Opera Diva is getting her wardrobe dry-cleaned and gearing up for Friday at high noon.

Unlike Mötley Crüe’s rendition of the song. These sexy feathered babes are out there with a mind of their own, and I have a unique late-season and somewhat perplexing story to tell.

After spotting a gobbler, two jakes, and two hens this past Sunday, and very near to state land I could access their core area with a little boot leather. The long walk to the first sit is far easier than the climb to return to the truck. I would be there early this Memorial Day to see what I could make happen. I sure did, but it was a far different hunt than I had in mind.  We had a soaking rain last evening that tapered off right at first light this morning. It was a wet walk going in before daylight, but far more comfortable than sitting in a steady rain.

Super quiet start of the morning, and that included the turkeys. One of my favorite late-season spots in Cuyler, New York, and that added to my anticipation, along with the turkeys we spotted here the day before. I had worked my way down to a small flat along one of the finger ridges I like to check on.  With the wet understory, it was a stealthy approach and got to where I wanted to go without disturbing any deer. No gobbling on the roost, or at all for that matter. No tree yelping or the usual small talk you hear as the morning light emerges. I gave a few tree yelps close to the time I thought they might fly down, short and sweet with no feathered responses. The chipmunks, however, loved it.

I heard the first wingbeats close to 6:30 a.m., followed by two more. The first hen landed within gun range off to my left. The next two landed out in front, also within range.  They would cluck occasionally. Fast forward an hour and I had a fourth hen come in behind me and start clucking. She came up to the tree I sat at. Other than a very elevated heart rate, no pressure at all. Once she started, she never stopped until she left five minutes later.  Her clucks were low volume, soft, and varied in pitch. No whips or whistles and no yelping. None of the four hens ever yelped at all. The other three hens would cluck here and there, with no specific pattern to it. They first came to attention when the fourth hen arrived, but quickly lost interest and paid no mind to her. Best described as akin to a teachers lounge, eat a little, stretch, sit for a bit and so on.

Despite being close to a known roost area with a large facing slope, and all that sweet girl talk, it failed to produce a single gobble for the duration there. As I sat and patiently let it all play out, It had crossed my mind that this might be a common meet-up spot and that a gobbler would come in silent, and as Murphy would have it, on my off-side as well.  It never happened, but I sure thought about it. Another hour passed and the three hens drifted off the flat as they fed away, down to the creek. I would head back home once they dropped out of sight.  

Despite having live hens with sweet voices to entice gobblers further, I could not buy a gobble, anywhere. The climb back to the truck was so worth being front and center to that many hens for 2-1/2 hours.

It is a first for me to encounter hens like this so late in the season. Still roosting without nests to tend to, and without suitors. So content to just hang with their beasties deep in the turkey woods. I have questions as to how this fits into the overall scheme of things, not to mention, where in the hell are the gobblers, and how they would leave these lovely ladies unattended.

Best of luck to all of you in the final days!

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

PR Book Release: ReaperCide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner

Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of ReaperCide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner  

Cortland, NEW YORK – Joyner Outdoor Media announces the Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of ReaperCide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner 

The author’s latest book release dives straight in, headlong into the discussion of the controversial subject of reaping, fanning, and stalking wild turkeys. The author makes a sound and well-reasoned case against the methods that are currently banned in eight states during spring and fall wild turkey hunting seasons. It is currently available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle.

Publisher’s Summary – It is a grand experience roosting a gobbler, having an ideal setup, calling him in strutting, and outsmarting the bird for one last time. There are folks that promote fanning and reaping to be just as alluring as the old ways.

ReaperCide, Fatalism Defined- focuses on the discussion of common sense hunting safety, covering the shooter’s responsibility, the compromised actions of those who use these methods, and the plausibility of mistaken-for-game incidents. A case is made for not standing in line for a Darwin Award participation trophy.

When it comes to hunting safety, we do not apologize. Hunting methods and personal ethics may vary among us, but it is reasonable to assert common ground in these matters. We have a legal, and moral obligation to ourselves and our fellow hunters to return home safe from a grand day afield in the turkey woods.

Hardcover, paperback books, and Kindle – available now on Amazon

Joyner can be made available for media requests by emailing:

For further information on the author:


© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media


Book Project Update-The following two projects have been long-term works in progress and very different efforts than the storybooks that I write one chapter at a time, at random throughout the years. Some just appear to be at random as a eureka moments once enough material is collected, and put aside to publish without any particular schedule. As these two large projects require large swaths of time to keep it all straight, with far too many moving parts, it is a much slower workflow.

D.D. Adams- Evolutionary Turkey Call Pioneer, a long-awaited title. scheduled to be released this past summer had been pushed back after a snafu in source material permissions. Regrouped on pictures and may have to do one more photo shoot to fill a few gaps. Expect editing and finishing chapters through the winter. Aside from proof reading there will be a period of review for any gaps.

Empire State Limb Hangers– New York Wild Turkey Records, another long-awaited title, is on track for this year. Weekly progress on this. The entire database has been gone through and grown the records two fold. The project expanded dramatically. All data is up to date and locked down as of July 2023. All but a last push on interviews and finalizing each story included in the book. Those that have responded with interest of inclusion will be interviewed.

Books Scheduled For Release:

ReaperCideFatalism Defined– tackles a controversial topic and includes musings collected for some time. Will be released 2/13/24. This was a formatting effort as it is a collection of commentary over the past decade. Much like the Random Musings series and a few other titles that will spring up unscheduled, it is mostly consolidating prior musings with a little polish and organizing.

Books in print:

Hills of Truxton: Stories & Travels of a Turkey Hunter 1.2 version, available online at Amazon and other online book store in paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Hills Of Truxton  

Tales from the Turkey Woods: Mornings of My Better Days 1.2 version, available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Tales From The Turkey Woods

Grand Days in the Turkey Woods is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in Hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Grand Days In The Turkey Woods Hardcovers w/dustjacket can be found here:

Ten To Life- Delirium Tales Of A Covid-19 Survivor is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format.

A Walk In The Turkey Woods- Wandering Thoughts and Revelations, is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle format.

An audiobook is currently in production with a 2024 release anticipated.

Random Musings- Of The Left Hemisphere, is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in Hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format.

Random² Musings:-A Left Hemisphere Continuum, is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in Hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format.

Personal Hunting Journals Collection. nine journals total in the collection, and tailored to your favored seasons. All journals are available for $7.59 on Amazon

For a consolidated set of links to purchase on Amazon, click on: https://www.joyneroutdoorme

Future Projects:

Tales from The Roost, Roost ‘n Time Tales– Another turkey hunting stories book is likely to come out in the late summer of 2024 and depends on a number of things being completed prior to coming together. I rough draft stories each season, so it is not absolute in the schedule. As a fourth storybook, it may be one of the last of those efforts. The seasons and memories have been so inspirational which continues to drive these titles.

Random3 Musings:-A Left Hemisphere Continuum, last installment of random social media commentary, mostly conservative view points, some humor, and of course hunting themed commentary.

Old Turkey Tree, Stories From The Turkey Woods– will be a collection of my favorites from each storybook title and a full-color edition will be offered in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle. That will come sometime after Roost ‘n Time Tales is published.

A wild turkey cookbook is a slow cooker, a work in progress, a joint project with Lee Joyner and will come out whenever I get to road-testing my hazardous culinary skills. If I survive that experiment, it will happen…

There are more slow-rolling book projects that pique my interest in pursuing, and I add bits and pieces to each project folder as they fit or strike me to capture at the moment. There are a few novel project ideas if I ever get to it.

Websites: A redesign of the Joyner Outdoor Media website is active, integrating all the published book websites, lists current projects and future projects (mostly novels) in planning stages. the home base at is up and running, and will solicit advertising to make the indulgence self-sufficient when that final section is done.


© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

A New Collection of Outdoor Journals

The initial collection is live and available on Amazon. The collection may grow based on demand. A nicely sized day journal for the Hunter or Huntress who desires to record each day afield. grouped as a details page, two lined notes pages, and a blank page to draw, doodle, or affix a photograph. there are thirty sets to cover your season afield or possibly several seasons depending on whether a daily participant, or a weekend warrior.

Recommended to be carried in a waterproof pouch. A fantastic tool for organizing your capture of a grand day in the outdoors!

In capturing your daily excursions in the great outdoors, there is no set rule, just write down what are your unique observations of your surroundings, and the events of your time there while afield.

Nine journals total in the collection, and tailored to your favored seasons. All journals are available for $7.59 on Amazon

The following are direct links

Turkey Woods Journal

Turkey Doggin’ Journal

Whitetail Journal

Elk Hunter Journal

Upland Game Journal

Fishing Journal

Waterfowler’s Journal

Predator Hunter Journal

Trapper’s Journal

For a consolidated set of links to purchase on Amazon, click on: https://www.joyneroutdoorme

Turkey Hunter Privacy Primer

While working through hunter stories and interviews in both book projects (D.D. Adams, Empire Limb Hangers,) I comb through the details, mindful of what is useful in telling the stories, story of the hunt vs what might be a privacy issue or reveal too much information. What I hope to convey is some useful tips that you may find helpful.

Privacy issues arise from those looking to move in on our honey holes, either to thwart future hunting efforts or those underway in current season. It may be of those wanting in on great hunting or a big gobbler on your hunting grounds they found out about, the lesser human traits of jealousy, or just a rotten SOB. Over the years I’ve learned of or experienced more than a few instances of it. Other issues come by way of hunter harassment by non hunters or anti-hunters and being deluged with aggressive online marketing that looks at every detail you might disclose or mouse click you make.

Just as we track movements and location of deer and turkey for example, we are also tracked by others in our movements and locations where suspected trophy pursuits take place. There are several tactics we can employ to mitigate this.

Total data blackout- No Disclosure, No Online Postings, Only what is legally required for tagging. Cell Phone only powered on during an emergency.

Diversionary Actions, as executed by astute fishermen- GPS coordinates freely published as decoy coordinates with no discernable displacement or pattern. Post pictures with replaced backgrounds or pics taken on vacation where you never fish or hunt. Take lots of suitable pics in parks, public lands. Ever take a hero pic on your buddies hunting spot to mess with them? Yep, the concept works. I know of hunters that leave at all different times in the morning or get picked up at different times to throw off those following or trying to pin point their hunting spots. Far too competitive in my opinion. Social media is ideal for setting out your logistical decoys.

One thing that many of us do is share their pics of the hunt. It is immediate and is all kinds of fun for story telling and smack talk. However, what some may not know is that a bulk of shared pics are taken with modern smart phones and very convenient. Unless you are diligent in your settings or understand metadata, EXIF exchange data, you are literally providing time , date, GPS coordinates, and all photo exposure settings. Game wardens know this, law enforcement, and your jealous followers may also know this. You can turn off location data on your phone for each photo app you may have, photo files can be stripped of the data on your laptop or desktop computer. Some social media platforms also strip the data. I routinely strip/delete the EXIF GPS data in my projects as I assume that nobody wants that disclosed without an intended purpose. Personally, disclosing a county or plus and minus a thousand acres on state game lands is accurate enough, although I might mix the names up 🙂

Although this reveal can be alarming if you hadn’t given any thought to it, it is an admission that for all the conveniences of modern communication that are beneficial there is some privacy that is directly given up for it, or eventually in the form of big data that is used to decern patterns and activities. It has been in recent years a useful tool in catching poachers, as law enforcement can use cell tower data to triangulate a particular cell phone, and it is even easier to narrow the investigation when in remote areas, during evening hours, and less activity.

What I have found common in the stories that I have captured in the Empire Limb Hangers project, is most successful hunters are careful in their movements and their disclosure of them. I hope this gives each of you pause to think of what you intend to share and what you hadn’t realized that you do.


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Big Updates – NY Wild Turkey Records

Big Updates – NY Wild Turkey Records

2023 is a big year for changes in wild turkey records in the Empire State. While doing the annual due diligence review of records and finishing prep work for the upcoming book “Empire Limb Hangers, New York Wild Turkey Records 1st Edition” It is full of changes in the top echelons of several categories. The Typical score category saw a shake-up of the top five with the new spring season in Suffolk County. A new #4 record lasted an entire week before a new #1 record came along, pushing it back to #5. The significance is the impact of unseating records that have been held for twenty-four years, past the glory days of the mid-1990s and early 2000s

A current database of 1287 records suggests that there are many opportunities yet to find, confirm, and capture more record book gobblers in the great Empire State. Please review the links and advise of any corrections, and or new entries you may want to submit.

I will take a break from this to review hunter interviews for the book and to finish writing and retaking some photos for the D.D. Adams book which is next in the que.  The turkey talk website is slowly being populated with all but a few sections to finish, the records section is now up and published with current data. The records section features top records, and links to the NWTF to help with registering your birds with them as the longest and consistent record system out there.  There is a full introduction to an alternated view of the data in SBP Records with a spur-centric emphasis.

We strongly encourage you to support the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) and TFT (Turkeys For Tomorrow) and to record your gobblers with the NWTF records system. The SBP system is a fun exercise and good for some smack talk at hunting camp. You can also submit your record directly.

Submissions submitted directly are accepted and approved as long as measuring conditions are met, can be verified, the hunt conducted legally and in keeping with fair chase. See measuring instructions at SBP Measure For the latest SBP Submission form: SBP Submission Form email completed forms or if you have any questions at: We do not charge a fee for any method of submission. There is no membership offered or required. We do recommend that you donate to and support the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) and or TFT (Turkeys For Tomorrow) as members or direct donations that benefit habitat work, research and legislative efforts concerning wildlife initiatives, conservation, and hunter issues.

Existing/New NWTF records are recognized as vetted and reviewed. When submitting your New York gobbler entry to the NWTF you may also email us at: and let us know it has been submitted. It is important to note that the SBP Records is simply an alternate view of balanced data for those that wish to look at a spur centric view in evaluating older gobblers. The NWTF records formula has been providing a foundation for those balanced views for nearly fifty years.

For more information on the NWTF records system go to: NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) For the latest NWTF Submission Form: NWTF Record Submission Form


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

Long Island Delivers a New Top Wild Turkey Record

With the inaugural fully open spring season this past May in Suffolk County, it was predicted by many of us in the turkey hunting community that gobblers tagged in Suffolk County would likely rachet the record books upward. It has not only moved the high water mark upward but delivered a new #1 Typical Score on May 10th. This follows another gobbler in the top five from this season-

A fall season had been in place in Suffolk since 2009, along with a spring youth hunt that began in 2011. After much deliberation and observations of plentiful and healthy flocks on Long Island, the go-ahead for an open spring season hunt was green-lighted this past May. With hunting fall gobblers a more difficult endeavor in the fall season, having an open season in the spring was expected to yield even more impressive gobblers.  It is a shift of preferences from fall to spring from over a century ago when fall season was the traditional season.

Christopher Tellone, a resident of Long Island, took his first ever wild turkey gobbler this spring and without question, a wild turkey gobbler of a lifetime. It may be his first turkey, but Christopher is no spring chicken in the woods or new to hunting. As a lifelong deer hunter, he employed many of his woodsmanship skills to help him bag the new top typical score gobbler in the Empire State. Chris, now known to his friends as “Long Spur,” tells the story of getting onto a flock of birds that morning with several gobblers courting hens. Although he is new to calling turkeys, he knew that the hens were not swayed by his calling and the gobblers were not leaving the hens they courted. After giving it ample time for the flock to come his way, he backed out to head to his truck. He spotted the flock several hundred yards in a field. Surmising where they would end up, he patiently made his way to position himself to where they would eventually cross. As the hens left the gobblers an hour later to head back to the woods, they crossed in front, and the gobblers would follow. Choosing the largest gobbler that lead the bachelor group, Chris made good on his shot. 

Chris’s bird scoring 84.0000 NWTF-Score surpasses the previous record held for 24 years for the number one typical category taken by Robert Miller Jr. in 1999, with an 82.1600 NWTF-Score.   The gobbler was weighed on a certified commercial scale and properly measured in accordance with NWTF guidelines.  The gobbler weighed in at 28lbs, sporting 1.75” spurs on each leg, and swung a 10.5” beard.

The gobbler, currently recorded by the NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation,) also shows the bird to rank #3 in the state for spurs, and #4 for weight.

Using the SBP method of scoring, the gobbler scores 182.0000 taking over the #2 ranking in New York.

NWTF Typical   calculation  = (weight x1) + (spurs total x10) + (beard x2)                        

SBP Typical calculation  = (weight x1) + (spurs total x32) + (beard x4)

Congratulations on an impressive first gobbler and a new record!


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media