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Poor Hunt Experience @ Endorsed Destination Ranch in Texas…

True to the honest opinions, and transparency that you have come to expect from me and the musings I create here on Turkey Talk Blog; In a moment, I will dive into what can be summed up as negative review of Joshua Creek Ranch as a gained opinion from my recent experience there this past April. First I will lay out what are the norms, the expected circumstances a turkey hunter expects on a turkey hunt, and not from ranch hands and operators with little association or concern with the traditional turkey hunting experience. As one might expect, the reaction to reviews I have left on review sites as a courtesy and buyer beware for my fellow turkey chasers are countered with inadequate responses, and lacking of any genuine customer service while failing to acknowledge the very real problems they have in offering turkey hunts.

It is a given, a well known fact that turkeys are hell bent on not cooperating with our intentions and what any of us as turkey hunters can reasonably expect in a outfitter offering is to be where the birds are, and have an opportunity to work them into range. No guarantee of filling a tag. When my good friend and I booked this hunt, it was impressed upon us that there were plenty of turkeys to hunt on the ranch, and we could expect plenty of opportunities to work gobblers there. Due to multiple hunting operations going on at the ranch we would be guided. Neither of us need any one to do the calling for us or anything more than set us in a direction with a description of the grounds to hunt and where birds would be expected to be roosting and what land features we should be mindful of. Never the less, guides were required at the ranch. My guide was friendly, good company but not a dedicated turkey hunter or a savvy caller. To prefix against claims made in response to my online reviews, our guides used texting to maintain status updates with the hunt manager on the property.

Positives: Wonderful Ranch, great layout, fantastic food, great accommodations and warm and friendly staff. All the necessities to earn: Beretta Two Tridents-Upland Birds, Federal Select Outfitters, Orvis Endorsed Designation, and Shooting Sportsman Endorsed Lodge recognition. Like most of you, and in my view, those types of glowing accolades paints a picture, an expectation of excellence in world class service. As I will lay out further, this may all be true unless you happen to book a turkey hunt there as we experienced

When we arrived, we were informed that no gobblers had been seen or heard for two weeks on the entire ranch, followed by, only one gobbler taken on the ranch in two years. 5 gobblers, 4 jakes and a few hens were all they had seen that spring. That was not remotely the story when booking the hunt. Arguably, a small single flock is not enough to have a sustainable hunting program by any stretch on 1400 acres with maybe half of it at best due to daily operations, suitable to hunt turkeys.

A staff member laid claim in response that 10-20-30 turkeys crossed the ranch routinely and seen while driving the property and that we could have rifled/blind hunt them. One, that doesn’t jive with what we were told or saw. Two, we were not offered a rifle hunt other than an even swap for a whitetail doe as the ranch was aware the turkey hunting there was dismal at best, and non existent at worse. I came there to enjoy a quality turkey hunt in keeping with their reputation. Had the staff had any clue what a turkey hunter might think of using rifles to take a turkey is an affront when we paid to call them in and hunt them, not snipe them. Despite all this, no 10-20-30 sized flocks of turkeys were seen the entire duration while on the ranch property. What few turkeys were seen and heard, were off the property, on the other side of the river. I saw one right along the property border, couldn’t be sure what it was.

With three hunters there, had we filled two tags each, it would have decimated the flock, and represents no professional resource management given this scenario. Sad situation in my opinion. Guides had no direct bead on where birds were at the time or their daily patterns. Truth be told, during our time there, they were roosting off the property, and the Ranch had no backup parcels to cover unforeseen circumstances, or lack of birds. Hunts conducted in blinds, no slow hunting of any kind.

Despite all this, on the last morning of my hunt, I had one gobbler cross the river onto the property and closing under 200 yards by estimation of gobbling, never showed, only to go silent and never heard from again when the ranch truck pulled in directly in front of us a little over 100 yards to release pheasants for the soon to start bird hunt over dogs. My guide told me that the hunting manager is always aware of our location, and this is unacceptable and unprofessional for allowing ranch operations of one type of hunt to directly interfere with another.

This is not my first rodeo with nearly a dozen successful hunts in the great state of Texas, and thirty-one spring and fall turkey seasons under my belt, and this was a dismal hunting experience. I had not been contacted by anyone on staff until now and was told that the incident with the hunt interrupted was communicated at the time it occurred. Staff has since responded saying they were blind sided by my reviews, and they could have done something about it at the time, I say hogwash as communication was ongoing for the duration of our hunts.

I responded to their less than world class service response: “It is impossible to not know with abundant communications with your guides that no reasonable opportunities were presented during our entire time there. There was no observation of 10-20-30 birds traveling the ranch at any time observed by all three ( a third turkey hunter was also on the ranch at the time) of us hunting. Your guides stated that five gobblers total were seen the entire spring leading up to opening day. That is not sustainable on my 138 acres. much less than your 1400. This is not a quality offering for turkey hunts, and you would be negligent not knowing how depressed your numbers were. This includes when we booked. If anything, your winter counts should have alarmed you. My criticism of your business practices is reasoned and justified. You took our money without providing a reasonable opportunity and should have canceled the bookings, You had to know or ignored the circumstances entirely. Again, in my view you do not offer turkey hunts with the same world class customer service as you do your upland game hunts. I do not believe for a NY minute that any of your staff is blindsided by the criticism and that your comment is a diversion for not making it right. Any seasoned professional would see this coming. We treated your staff and the guides in a friendly and respectful manner to make the best of it as there was little to be done to salvage such a poor hunting circumstance. I have no faith that you would do anything to make it right, not while we were there, not now. To claim you didn’t know points to only two very poor conclusions and as a professional, as they say “that dog won’t hunt.”

Given what we learned upon arriving and not given reasonable choices to hunt gobblers where they actually are, the hunt should have been canceled and refunded. It has been made clear that no effort will be made by Joshua Creek Ranch to compensate or resolve this. They are not set up in so many ways, in my opinion to offer a quality turkey hunt. In view of all the praises for other offerings at Joshua Creek Ranch, there are uncomfortable questions that are left unanswered and unaddressed.

It is my learned opinion, and a stark comparison to the multitude of great ranches/outfitters I have thoroughly enjoyed in the great state of Texas, that Word Class Service and Endorsed Destination accolades are not extended to the turkey hunting experience at Joshua Creek Ranch .


© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

#joshuacreekranch, #berettatridentlodges, #federal-select-outfitters, #orvisdestinations #ShootingSportsmanEndorsedLodge

Spring , Summer, “and” Fall Fishing Chautauqua County, a “Must Do” Destination

With all the competition for our recreational time in the fall, with all the available seasons, fall sports, and school activities for our children, there is precious little time left for fall fishing. This is especially true here at the “J Ranch” in McGraw New York with fall turkey season, archery and firearm seasons for whitetails, and upland game. Personally, I love to fish, and should I ever engage the same in reckless abandon as I chase gobblers, I would not be able to hold down a full-time job simultaneously. 

As I continue, this is a fantastic companion to spring and summer fishing the great resources of Chautauqua County. I write of fantastic outings here in past spring/summer camps and as you plan your fishing vacations and book charters, guide services, it is under strong recommendation you start right here in Chautauqua County

I was fortunate to attend the Chautauqua County Media Fall Fish Camp the first week in October this past fall. This media fish camp is one of several held in the spring, summer, and fall, sponsored by the Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau, and hosted by Dave Barus.  The initial plan was for a few of us to spend time fishing “Steelhead Alley” for the annual spawning run, bass, perch, walleye, and muskies on Chautauqua Lake, We would also spend time on Lake Erie for walleye.  Like any well-laid-out itinerary involving the outdoors, the weather would be impactful, and we would adapt to the less ideal conditions.

Before I indulge your fishing interest further, I nearly titled this article “It’s all about people.” It is not enough to just say this as the camaraderie, the dynamics of personalities, and the chemistry between our group and our host struck us all as a big takeaway for each of us. I will intertwine this theme as I continue.

The abundant natural resources of Chautauqua County, world-class fishing, and over-the-top hospitality of our host do much to embed a fantastic time at fish camp.  As you read further, it is evident that the area itself, and easily accessed resources create a “Must Do” destination that I would urge you to explore with a strong recommendation.

Back to fishing…

As we arrived at our cottage along the eastern shore of Chautauqua Lake, we learned the unseasonably warm and dry weather would impact our fishing choices and strategies. The fish would be found deeper than expected, and the streams would be at unseasonably low levels that the steelhead fishing would not come into play until well past our time there. With the smooth planning and capabilities of Dave Barus, our host, a quick regroup and arraigning of trip schedules was easily agreed upon.

Pro angler and guide Don Staszczyk would take fellow outdoor writer Megan Plete Postol and myself out on Chautauqua Lake for a morning of walleye fishing. We would be snap jigging for them with Rapala Jigging Raps and Snap Raps. Despite loads of fish easily found, they were not in a feeding mood. We would boat a few walleyes for the cooler, and experience more than a few bumps and hits on the lures from fish that were just not feeling the need to feed. It was a fantastic outing, full of great conversation, and bright sunny weather. We were treated to Megan’s high speed boat handling skills on the way back to the dock, a first for her at the helm of a very capable bass boat.

On Lake Erie that same morning, outdoor writers Dave Figura and Jerrod Vila were trolling for walleye with Tom Yetzer of Reel Time Charters. The fish were a bit more hungry out on the great lake and they would land more walleye to help make a grand dinner that evening.

With plenty of fish to clean, we got to put the Smith knives from our camp sponsors to good use! Vila, along with outdoor writer John Childs started the prep work as our master chefs. The culinary result was a delicious dinner of crab-filled walleyes, wrapped and baked, and topped with a creamy, lemon sauce. As fresh as a shore lunch, the walleye were rod to the plate in just a few hours and it is as good as it gets. It is a meal that you can recall in an instant where you close your eyes, and can taste and smell vividly, possible only when it is that fresh, and prepared brilliantly. Making me a bit hungry as I type this…

John Childs, an outdoor writer from Texas, spent the morning on the southern section of  Chautauqua lake with Captain Frank Shoenacker (Infinity Charters,) caught perch and silver bass, and experienced the same conditions with walleye without an appetite. Having fished with Frank in recent years, I can attest to the great fishing experience and comradery you can expect.

The following day, Megan, John, and I would head out to Lake Erie with Tom Yetzer. I can assure you, you’ll have fun on his boat. A great story teller and is quick to dial in the right lures to make it happen. We would be heading into some rain, and with Tom’s mastery of how to best navigate to calmer waters. we would go from sluggish hits while trolling with bottom-bouncing spinners tipped with worms to plenty of “fish on” declarations. We would enjoy a great morning of fishing, and lots of storytelling across many topics. We would catch nice sized yellow perch, white fish and of course walleyes!

I would head out before the last morning due to work obligations and I knew just how much I was missing out on. That is the problem with responsible adulting sometimes. The evening before the last day we all came to similar opinions as to how great the conversations were, the bonding as friends, and as fellow writers the importance of our roles to communicate how grand the outdoors experience in Chautauqua County truly is!

The combination of natural resources, the natural beauty of the area, and a region complete with fantastic eateries, historic sites, breweries and wineries has something very special to offer dedicated fishermen, and families alike. I might suggest that you will find yourself to enjoy your time here as we have. As you plan your next fishing trip this spring, over the summer, and the fall seasons, it is well worth your attention and a great destination to bring your spouse and entire family!

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

#Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau,  #Eastern Lake Erie Charter Boat Association,

New York Wild Turkey Records

The Empire State Limb Hangers book project is in the final phase of collecting the last few interviews, and getting the stories finalized. All current and known data and record listings per category is formatted and awaiting proofreading. It has grown past 400 pages in a 10×7 format This post will be reposted each pre season as there will be future editions as records are broken and those I attempted to include, catch up with the project. The more hunters that come on board that I originally sought to interview, the better. Records are made to be broken, eclipsed, and is expected.

If you tag a gobbler that meets the criteria listed below near the end of this post, I would love to interview you for inclusion in the project. Although your stories and photos will be captured for the book, you will retain rights to your photo’s and your story. Should you wish to have the story I write up used for other uses. Copyright permissions can be granted as needed.

The main issue with keeping it all legit for the project is typically weight as most of the small scales that are used to weigh fish can vary +/- 1 to 2 lbs or more. A weight coupon from a certified scale ensures accuracy and proof of measurement. Otherwise, it can be legitimately challenged. The scale should be suitable for products or goods for sale that are taxed in the state. I live in Cortland County and own several scales suitable for trade with a 25lb calibration weight with certification tracible to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, formerly National Bureau of Standards,) and can also provide a video of calibration and the actual weighing of your gobbler. I will be glad to do so, and there is no fee.

Pics with tape measurement in the pics are required to show scale and accuracy for beards and spurs. There are several handy products to help measure spurs (including the curved outside edge) but as of this writing, none aside from a tape measure cover the spur measurements that have been described going back decades as published by the NWTF As the decades long description covers the entire exposed spur that can occur below the outer edge of the leg, it is more often that the exposed spur is even with the leg edge. Anecdotal, as such, the differences observed have not exceeded 1/8″. As the calculation is x10 or x32 for each spur it is a detail to be aware of.

Anecdotal evidence unfortunately cannot be used to substantiate record book entries no matter how good the stories are.

Best bet if you think you have one for the books: weigh the gobbler on a certified scale and be sure to get a weight coupon. Take plenty of photos including those with a tape measure. NWTF requires witness signatures that also have to be an NWTF member if you wish to participate in their records program. Safari Club also has a program but is not viewable unless a member. I may include them if details can be worked out in the future.

Record entries not included in the NWTF system once verified can be accepted. You will note that the NWTF requires verifications that I have mentioned and I will accept their determinations for the project. I do support their system and would encourage you to enter your submission with the NWTF as well. NWTF submissions are now accepted online:

Scoring tabulations for the project will include the NWTF system, and the SBP weighted system. for more info on SBP

For those that I have contacted or attempted to contact at the beginning of the project: Your stories will be available to review as I complete them.

If you have harvested a legally tagged wild turkey with one or more of the following attributes in NY during the 2023-2024 spring/fall seasons, or years prior, registered or not registered w/NWTF records, We would love to talk to you about being included in the book!

Please contact

Note: Non registered birds- measurable attributes must be verified for consideration.

Typical score greater than 75.000 (weight x1 + beard x 2 + L & R spur x 10)

Non-Typical score greater than 105.000 (weight x1 + beard(s) x 2 + L & R spur x 10)

Weight greater than 26.5 lbs. (verifiable certified weight)

Beard Length greater than 12″ (verifiable length)

Spur Length greater than 1.625″ (verifiable length)

Color phase variations, Hens with spurs

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

.  #turkeyhunting #nywildturkeyrecords #wildturkey #nyturkeyrecords #recordbookgobblers

A Must Have Book on the Era of Wild Turkey Restoration and Call Making Boom.

The latest book from turkey hunting historian, book and call collector Brent Rogers, is a fantastic addition to your turkey hunting library. Brent’s second book- Yelp & Gobble, Inc: How Restoring the Wild Turkey Spurred on a Game Call Innovation Boom, is a wonderfully written book. Brent offers his latest with quality color printing in a hard cover offering.  A forward by Jim Casada starts off the friendly tone of the book and for those that collect turkey hunting books, you would be familiar with Jim’s musings and his turkey hunting book business.

I can attest to the fact Brent writes and speaks in the same warm and friendly voice that well conveys turkey hunting stories as well as making often dry historical facts much more interesting and engaging for the reader. If you started hunting turkeys before the turn of the century, you will recognize some of what he covers in the book. Coverage of these influential call makers are well captured in depth and there is something for all turkey hunters to enjoy. A golden era of exploding turkey populations and a call making industry that followed on the coattails of it. The author’s love and genuine interest in the time honored past time shines through in his writings, making this offering a most enjoyable read!

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

New Audiobook- Reapercide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 24, 2024

New Audiobook- Reapercide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner 

Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Audiobook release of

Reapercide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner

Cortland, NEW YORK – Joyner Outdoor Media announces the audiobook release of Reapercide- Fatalism Defined , by McGraw resident Mike Joyner 

A new audiobook version rounds out the offerings of the 2024 release in paperback, hardcover, and kindle book offerings. The author is very pleased to provide the title in the audiobook format which is an ideal format for the the title. The author, Mike Joyner recruited the narrating talent of Tim Carper from Lexington, Kentucky as a great fit for the project.

Publisher’s Summary – It is a grand experience roosting a gobbler, having an ideal setup, calling him in strutting, and outsmarting the bird for one last time. There are folks that promote fanning and reaping to be just as alluring as the old ways.

ReaperCide, Fatalism Defined- focuses on the discussion of common sense hunting safety, covering the shooter’s responsibility, the compromised actions of those who use these methods, and the plausibility of mistaken-for-game incidents. A case is made for not standing in line for a Darwin Award participation trophy.

When it comes to hunting safety, we do not apologize. Hunting methods and ethics may vary among us, but it is reasonable to assert common ground in these matters. We have a legal, and moral obligation to ourselves and our fellow hunters to return home safe from a grand day afield in the turkey woods.

The audiobook is now available on Audible/Amazon

The audiobook is now available on Apple iTunes

Hardcover, paperback books, and Kindle – available now on Amazon

Joyner can be made available for media requests by emailing:

For more information on the author visit his personal website:

© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

PR Book Release: ReaperCide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner

Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of ReaperCide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner  

Cortland, NEW YORK – Joyner Outdoor Media announces the Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of ReaperCide- Fatalism Defined by Mike Joyner 

The author’s latest book release dives straight in, headlong into the discussion of the controversial subject of reaping, fanning, and stalking wild turkeys. The author makes a sound and well-reasoned case against the methods that are currently banned in eight states during spring and fall wild turkey hunting seasons. It is currently available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle.

Publisher’s Summary – It is a grand experience roosting a gobbler, having an ideal setup, calling him in strutting, and outsmarting the bird for one last time. There are folks that promote fanning and reaping to be just as alluring as the old ways.

ReaperCide, Fatalism Defined- focuses on the discussion of common sense hunting safety, covering the shooter’s responsibility, the compromised actions of those who use these methods, and the plausibility of mistaken-for-game incidents. A case is made for not standing in line for a Darwin Award participation trophy.

When it comes to hunting safety, we do not apologize. Hunting methods and personal ethics may vary among us, but it is reasonable to assert common ground in these matters. We have a legal, and moral obligation to ourselves and our fellow hunters to return home safe from a grand day afield in the turkey woods.

Hardcover, paperback books, and Kindle – available now on Amazon

Joyner can be made available for media requests by emailing:

For further information on the author:


© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media


Book Project Update-The following two projects have been long-term works in progress and very different efforts than the storybooks that I write one chapter at a time, at random throughout the years. Some just appear to be at random as a eureka moments once enough material is collected, and put aside to publish without any particular schedule. As these two large projects require large swaths of time to keep it all straight, with far too many moving parts, it is a much slower workflow.

D.D. Adams- Evolutionary Turkey Call Pioneer, a long-awaited title. scheduled to be released this past summer had been pushed back after a snafu in source material permissions. Regrouped on pictures and may have to do one more photo shoot to fill a few gaps. Expect editing and finishing chapters through the winter. Aside from proof reading there will be a period of review for any gaps.

Empire State Limb Hangers– New York Wild Turkey Records, another long-awaited title, is on track for this year. Weekly progress on this. The entire database has been gone through and grown the records two fold. The project expanded dramatically. All data is up to date and locked down as of July 2023. All but a last push on interviews and finalizing each story included in the book. Those that have responded with interest of inclusion will be interviewed.

Books Scheduled For Release:

ReaperCideFatalism Defined– tackles a controversial topic and includes musings collected for some time. Will be released 2/13/24. This was a formatting effort as it is a collection of commentary over the past decade. Much like the Random Musings series and a few other titles that will spring up unscheduled, it is mostly consolidating prior musings with a little polish and organizing.

Books in print:

Hills of Truxton: Stories & Travels of a Turkey Hunter 1.2 version, available online at Amazon and other online book store in paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Hills Of Truxton  

Tales from the Turkey Woods: Mornings of My Better Days 1.2 version, available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Tales From The Turkey Woods

Grand Days in the Turkey Woods is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in Hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format. Grand Days In The Turkey Woods Hardcovers w/dustjacket can be found here:

Ten To Life- Delirium Tales Of A Covid-19 Survivor is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format.

A Walk In The Turkey Woods- Wandering Thoughts and Revelations, is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle format.

An audiobook is currently in production with a 2024 release anticipated.

Random Musings- Of The Left Hemisphere, is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in Hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format.

Random² Musings:-A Left Hemisphere Continuum, is available online at Amazon and other online book stores in Hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle format.

Personal Hunting Journals Collection. nine journals total in the collection, and tailored to your favored seasons. All journals are available for $7.59 on Amazon

For a consolidated set of links to purchase on Amazon, click on: https://www.joyneroutdoorme

Future Projects:

Tales from The Roost, Roost ‘n Time Tales– Another turkey hunting stories book is likely to come out in the late summer of 2024 and depends on a number of things being completed prior to coming together. I rough draft stories each season, so it is not absolute in the schedule. As a fourth storybook, it may be one of the last of those efforts. The seasons and memories have been so inspirational which continues to drive these titles.

Random3 Musings:-A Left Hemisphere Continuum, last installment of random social media commentary, mostly conservative view points, some humor, and of course hunting themed commentary.

Old Turkey Tree, Stories From The Turkey Woods– will be a collection of my favorites from each storybook title and a full-color edition will be offered in hardcover, paperback, audiobook, and kindle. That will come sometime after Roost ‘n Time Tales is published.

A wild turkey cookbook is a slow cooker, a work in progress, a joint project with Lee Joyner and will come out whenever I get to road-testing my hazardous culinary skills. If I survive that experiment, it will happen…

There are more slow-rolling book projects that pique my interest in pursuing, and I add bits and pieces to each project folder as they fit or strike me to capture at the moment. There are a few novel project ideas if I ever get to it.

Websites: A redesign of the Joyner Outdoor Media website is active, integrating all the published book websites, lists current projects and future projects (mostly novels) in planning stages. the home base at is up and running, and will solicit advertising to make the indulgence self-sufficient when that final section is done.


© 2024 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media

New Book- Random² Musings a Left Hemisphere Continuum

Joyner Outdoor Media Proudly Announces the Book Release of Random² Musings A Left Hemisphere Continuum by Mike Joyner

MCGRAW, NY, USA, November 7, 2023 / — The author’s latest book release in the Random Musings series is a continuation of random musings made over the past several years in response to the many societal forays of maligned and upside-down positions taken by radical and extremist bent factions of a divided country. The new release continues with criticisms of maligned ideologies, personal reflections, and humorous observations. The new release is currently available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle.

Publisher’s Summary – The musings continue as the author collects his thoughts and responds to daily events. A collection of personal opinions, reflections, and epiphanies gained from decades of hands-on living. Some chapters included here are those not gotten back to or found in a review of past postings and opinions.

A worldview fully grounded in compassion and sound reasoning. In “Random Musing of the Left Hemisphere,” the author continues to refine, resolve, and tackle some of what gnaws at each of us. As an engineer, a passionate outdoorsman, and conservative by nature, these attributes are a natural fit for the project. The reader will find an honest rendering of ideas and observations to ponder and consider.

Hardcover, paperback books, and Kindle – available now on Amazon

Joyner can be made available for media requests by emailing:
For further information on the author:

Mike Joyner
Joyner Outdoor Media
+1 607-745-6412

A New Collection of Outdoor Journals

The initial collection is live and available on Amazon. The collection may grow based on demand. A nicely sized day journal for the Hunter or Huntress who desires to record each day afield. grouped as a details page, two lined notes pages, and a blank page to draw, doodle, or affix a photograph. there are thirty sets to cover your season afield or possibly several seasons depending on whether a daily participant, or a weekend warrior.

Recommended to be carried in a waterproof pouch. A fantastic tool for organizing your capture of a grand day in the outdoors!

In capturing your daily excursions in the great outdoors, there is no set rule, just write down what are your unique observations of your surroundings, and the events of your time there while afield.

Nine journals total in the collection, and tailored to your favored seasons. All journals are available for $7.59 on Amazon

The following are direct links

Turkey Woods Journal

Turkey Doggin’ Journal

Whitetail Journal

Elk Hunter Journal

Upland Game Journal

Fishing Journal

Waterfowler’s Journal

Predator Hunter Journal

Trapper’s Journal

For a consolidated set of links to purchase on Amazon, click on: https://www.joyneroutdoorme

NY Fall Turkey Season In Decline?

The Fat Lady has sung for the New York second season covering most of the southern tier region. Unless I get hooked up for a hunt for the 3rd season on Long Island coming up, the turkeys are safe for a few months, until May rolls around again.  The last time I filled a fall tag in New York was back in 2015.  It is most certainly not due to a lack of opportunities, in fact just the opposite. The truth of it is I had opportunities each year since, and would come up in range for a shot opportunity or could easily set up a plan on a fresh sighting and march forward with battle operations either with our beloved Weimaraners, who both have now passed over the rainbow bridge or could set up near a roost the following morning based on timely intel.

With the lack of sightings covering large areas, and many options of parcels to hunt, including fantastic state lands that have been great each spring season, I opted not to fill a tag on a jake, jenny, or a hen in flocks I did find and were no more than 5-10 birds in the flock. A flock of gobblers, say a half dozen or more would be fair game, but as witnessed, a couple here or there wasn’t rising to the occasion given how depressed the population is currently and the decline of recent years.

Before you draw any conclusions or respond hastily, my comments are at best anecdotal commentary. There is no scientific observation or proof of authority suggested, not by my intentions.  It is one data point covering a specific set of parcels, my travels, and it is assumed Murphy is riding shotgun and thwarting my best efforts to spot them at will. Not seeing much for scratching’s or scat you would find in known roost areas. I know of other hunters in different regions who report decent sightings and are successful when all is said and done. For the past nine fall seasons, the scouting has shown little promise for flocks large enough to want to take a turkey out of. I still hunt the fall turkey seasons in New York, and as of late, it is more like catch and release without the ballistic event or just wading in the stream.

As I wrangle out my thinking here, It might be a thought to hunt them with a camera and satisfy my driven tradition of hunting fall turkeys. I will hold any opinion of what the past two years are looking to add up to once I do my winter scouting and hopefully will get more up-to-date data from the NYSDEC.


© 2023 Mike Joyner- Joyner Outdoor Media